Friday 20 April 2018

How children can handle Rejection : #ParentingMantra

Lets hover over our 18th topic on how to teach the kids to handle rejections? This is among the pivotal lesson that every child should be taught.

We have seen many children getting annoyed or rather get very cranky when they lose a game or a competition. It is human nature where each one want to be at the top of the ladder, but that is not possible; sometimes we win and sometimes we loose. But the main prospect is to deal with the rejection with grace.

 By guiding the child in a proper direction parents can influence the way child handle such situations sportively.

Real time scenario is completely different where a child could probably face many situations when he/she may not stand out in school or in society or let's say in home too, where one sibling excels and another struggles to reach the epitome level.

Lets discuss few ways to handle rejection in kids:

Reason to participate: Let them know the value of a game over value of win. Explain them that this is only a game. Participation is more important than winning the game. It's ultimately the experience from our failures that make us more strong to revert back. Make child’s thought process strong in a way that they don’t get disheartened when they are on loosing side.

Be sportive: Teach kids to be sportive in game, as teach them to congratulate the winning side and see their worthy side. Later child can analyze the areas to be improved with mentors and parents. Give them example while watching any sports and show them how an individual or team of losing side congratulates the winner though they lost the game.

Don’t narrate gloomy stories: As a parent its our responsibility to encourage the child to achieve their dreams rather discourage them by putting forth the negative outcome. Give examples that fulfill child with enthusiasm and energy for next situation. Focus on areas that can be improved rather than showing children their mistakes during any task. Use positive words to encourage children and tell them that as a parent you still love and care them no matter whats the result is.

auraofthoughts-Parenting Lesson

These are few ways to deal with Rejection in this post, what are your ways to handle rejections?

Sharing this post with AtoZ Challenge 2018,  Day 18 - Letter R- R for REJECTION.

This month we are taking AtoZChallenge with theme #ParentingIntangibleWonder, you can read all our posts of this theme here.

Blogchatter is playing a motivator for us in this challenge.



  1. We need to e supportive and patiently listen to our kids in times like these. Sometimes they need you to listen to their point of view too.

    1. Listening is absolutely the key in Parenting .

  2. Haha I normally let them lose and show them how happy I am. When they silk I tell them to be happy for me and congratulate me. I know I'm evil but isn't the world the same? Just preparing them. Nice tips. People should know these pointers.

    1. Thats your fun way to deal with it, good if your kids understand it.

  3. As parents it is our duty to keep kids positive and away from all gloomy things. I like the tips you have given to keep kid's morale boosted and positive.

    1. We cannot ignore the gloomy parts and teaching them to deal with it makes them strong for future.

  4. Such an important topic to be discussed with kids. We need to talk and make them understand how to handle rejection. Loved every word from your post.

  5. Rejection is an inevitable part of life and it's important that as parents we prepare our kids for it. Stressing on participation and not getting bogged down by failure is crucial.

    1. True, if we as a parent make them understand how to deal with it then kids won't hesitate to participate too.

  6. I agree with some points. However, I also believe that alongwith teaching them handling rejection, it's also important to make them understand about healthy competition. Participation is important, but so is competition.

    1. Participation is part of life and we all need to do that then comes the winning and losing. If we all participate with enthusiasm without worrying of the result we are sure to perform well. And if we loose then surely a better performer has won.

  7. This is really an important topic to discussion . most of the time the young kids take rejection very seriously . good points you have shared.

    1. Thanks Snigdha, hope this post help many parents out there.

  8. Handling rejection is not easy for even adults, imagine the emotional difference a child has to go through. The least we can do is be supportive of them and make them understand the importance of participating.

    1. Yes rejection is not easy for anyone but if parents and child both have preset notion that this is not the final chance then things are clear.

  9. These are some really valid and practical tips indeed. I also try to teach my son to participate more than winning a game but alas he is 5.5 and still cries when he loses.

    1. Kids express well and its natural to feel sad for a moment but the next steps are important. You can hug him and say you played well and the winning team played even better.

  10. I still remember my dad always encouraged us to participate and give our best never force us to win. He would point out loopholes in a cajoling way and showed how to improve. Great pointers mentioned.

    1. Thats a wonderful thing your Dad did supporting you and also showing you improvement areas.

  11. Parents need to be supportive as well as understanding while handling rejection with kids, specially during this time when kids have limited resources and outside playtime.

    1. Parents conveying to child that everything remains same if child win or loose then child also handles situation with ease.

  12. You are right Bushra, parents expectations should change and then their outlook changes we see a major change.


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