Wednesday 9 February 2022

Aura of Thoughts Logo Story

 With time things change and accepting the change with composure and smile is what we do each time. If you are a keen observer of our blog posts, then you might have noticed our logo in our creatives since the beginning of the year and if you have not observed it then we believe you might have focused more on words than the image. In both ways, that’s a win-win situation for a content creator.  Let us share with you the thought process behind our logo, first let us share the logo here with you all. 

For us, simplicity is what we look for when we created the logo and we are sharing the same in the thoughts in our blogposts. Here are each detail and meaning behind it in our logo.

auraofthoughts logo

The shape

Though a logo can be made in any shape, we choose a circle as we firmly believe life is full of circles and we are a firm believer in karma too. A circle also gives us the sense of completeness, and to walk relentlessly on the path to achieve the goal. 


Our blog name is now becoming a synonym of our name MeenalSonal, yes the blogger sister duo are often called auraofthoughts and it feels great to be called so, is it not a blogger's dream to be known through their blog name or the pen name. Auraofthoughts at the center is here to showcase the name of our blog. 

The Caterpillar

We all are naïve in the world and learn at each step of our life stages, few lessons are learned at early stages and a few later on in life through one constant virtue called learning. Here learning is not the one acquired through books or big certifications we are talking about, but the emphasises is on learning from life, learning from family, from fellow ones, from children, from society, from various circumstances and also through self-observations. Caterpillar represents openness to learn and grow. 

The Butterfly

On the right corner of our logo, you see a butterfly that is ready to fly or you can say in a flying position. Butterfly is the grown up stage of a caterpillar, has learned all the lessons crossing each stage and is set to embark on its journey to mark its presence in the world. In life too whatever we learn, the job is half done unless and until we start implementing the learnings in real-time scenarios. These will lead to gaining experience and each one has its own experience in life. 

The connecting straight line 

The connection between caterpillar and butterfly is very important because though we all know that we have come from the caterpillar stage we should never forget our roots. One should always be kind and humble, be whatever heights you reach and that line showcases the past footprints that keeps us grounded. And the leap showcases the leap of faith we take and take plunge to next level.

The Dotted semi-circle 

Life without hurdles will be a boring one and too plain to live. We all will agree that each stage of life has many experiences attached to it and we have to enjoy each one of them, which cannot be attained when we keep on walking towards the goal monotonously. It is vital to take some pause and then walk ahead to reach out to our goals. The dotted line signifies that thought and helps us to bounce back with more energy and enthusiasm. 

The Flower bush 

The little bush at the bottom of the circle represents the environment and people in life. We can never live alone in any situation and have to express ourselves or react to particular circumstances. This represents the community we all live in. 

This was our logo story that was created with this thought process, as the logo is an important aspect of the blog, we shared our thoughts with you all. 

We are happy to find space in your reading list and always glad to bring the best blog posts to you all. 

Do share which part of the logo you liked the most.



  1. Wow this is so thoughtful. I loved the fact that you have put a precise attention for designing your logo. it was a great experience to read about each different part and the reason behind why you have chosen this .

    1. Thanks Surbhi, yes we both gave kind attention to each detail.

  2. Now I see the reason behind your lates activity on the #StoryTellersBlogHop about each of us sharing our mascot / logo! Lovely reading about your story. I don't have a mascot. When I think of my blog, I can only think of myself. I am its soul and it is an intrinsic part of me!

    1. Thanks Noor, good to know about your blog soul too.

  3. Wow so much of thought put into one logo. For me it was all about design and the look I wanted. Your logo means a lot. Love the dotted lines and their meaning.

    1. Thanks Cindy, yes design is ultimate in the logo. For us it beholds many things.

  4. What a thoughtful logo my dears, I am mighty impressed, A logo with a meaning always stands out

    1. Thanks Roma, your wishes are always bountiful.

  5. Absolutely love this interpretation of what eCh symbol means. You're right I failed to notice. But lovely choice of elements


  6. Thats so amazing. I really like such logos, names or work which has a deep meaning associated to it. It shows the true purpose and the actual picture about the brand/person.

    1. Thanks Hansa, even we share same kind of ideology for logo.

  7. Lovely and thoughtfully created logo. I loved the butterfly and caterpillar description. And yes, I can relate to the dots a lot. When I came into blogging, I knew nothing but learned and still learning.

    1. Thank you Alpana. Yes, each day is learning in the blogging world.

  8. You guys have given so much thought to each and every element of ur logo. Kudos!!. And I loved reading what each part represent.

  9. Wow how thoughtfully you created your logo. Love reading about each different part and the reason behind why you have chosen this. I am still thinking about my logo but the way you thought is amazing.

    1. Thanks Anjali. Just jot the pointers that your blog and blogging journey represents, then it will easy to add elements to your logo.

  10. This is a nice logo. What I really loved is the thinking that has gone into the design of each element. I really loved the caterpillar and butterfly symbology.

  11. It is such a lovely logo. Every logo has should tell a story about the brand and you have given a lot of thought behind designing your logo. I like the concept of caterpillar and butterfly. Keep it up and all the best for the journey ahead.

    1. Thanks Paresh, caterpillar and butterfly was our concept from initial days, few posts have the design base images too.

  12. What a beautiful logo story! You're right that logo is an important part of the blog and it is usually the first thing I see when I visit a new blog.

    1. Thanks Rahul, even we notice it when we visit a new blog.

  13. Manisha - Every logo has a story behind it and I am glad now I know yours. I have been reading your posts and this truly depicts your vision for the blog in a perfect way.

    1. Thanks a lot Manisha, happy that you are a regular reader of our blog.

  14. This is a beautiful logo, neat, simple and defines your blog very well, so, congratulations. I really like the way you have shared this emotion with your readers.

    1. Thanks a lot Dipika for the kind words and being with us in the blogging journey.

  15. I have always been inspired by you two fabulous ladies. The logo looks amazing. I read the reason and why you added those symbols in your logo and having known you and read posts from Aura of Thoughts innumerable times I feel the caterpillar se Butterfly ka safar is truly represented by your blog.

    1. Thanks a lot Judy for complementing our journey .

  16. I loved how you explained every little element of the logo. This is inspiring and your new logo is absolutely amazing.


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