Friday 30 May 2014

Assumptions - Why n How

In previous post we have seen how assumptions can be misleading in relations, your single misjudgment on a particular scenario is like a throwing a stone in still water. That’s why it’s always said rely on facts and be certain in your thoughts, but

Why we end up assuming things?
Is it by nature or any circumstances that lead us to do so?
Why assumptions come in between many relations?
Are there any measures that can be taken to avoid assumptions?

In reality assumption is the activity of a human brain which we tend to do it unconsciously sometimes. If I say there are few common factors that guide us to make assumptions, and by conducting preventive measures one can avoid being presuming. So let’s list them out and look at each one in detail.

Living Style: There are certain rules or say certain things which are set in everyone’s life and if somebody does not act according to our taste or interest we assume them to be wrong. But this is not the truth every individual is unique with varied interests and actions. “Assuming the worst in a person hurts them, assuming the best in a person disappoints you, assuming nothing allows you both the ability to see the truth”

Thursday 22 May 2014

Assumptions - Do we need it ?

Assumptions are supposing facts without proof; but still we all have strong assumptions in every now and then case. Few assumptions are nothing but intuitions from heart and few of them are baseless but preoccupied in our mind and are only removed by very strong counter fact. Assumptions to me are spoilsport in every relationship; many misunderstandings are created by assuming uncertain things which lead to shaken well settled bonded relations. I must say Henry Winkler very brilliantly quoted “Assumptions are the termites of relationships”.

Let’s take a story for example to understand how assumptions can be misleading in life. A lady entered an office, a very exotic and well furnished one; she was hesitant to enter the meeting room and was thinking how to meet famous designer because the famous designer was none other than her school friend. Many questions were running in her mind, when she was about to enter meeting room. Shall meeting as a formal person would be fine or introducing with a big hug was normal, as it was more than a decade two school friends were meeting? Is her now designer friend same as before or would she recognize her? Will she consider requirement of an urgent outfit? She assumed that that now her friend is renowned designer, meeting in formal would be better and left the friendship bond behind, entered into the meeting room. To her surprise her friend very well recognized her and welcomed with a big hug and grand smile. The moment they hugged all her assumptions just washed away.

While analogies are useful, however, they can also be misleading. They smuggle in assumptions that can be wrong.” - Michael Mandelbaum
Assumptions may be misleading!!!

Doesn't the above story reminds us of many such incidents where our assumptions have surprised us in complete contrast way. Actual scenario is totally different from the assumptions. Statically assumptions are done when critical thinking is not part of thoughts. We sometimes take things taken for granted assuming it will not change or we don’t put efforts to change them. You just can’t assume that everything will always be the same because things tend to change with time and people also change accordingly. “You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions.” - Denis Waitley

In our previous posts on relations of a mother and child or life partners we believe in each other and give our best with a true heart. Such purity of relations is what we all cherish for. But after all we are human beings, tend to assume certain things and move ahead in life. But sometimes we just assume one side of things and work accordingly and neglect the other side of facts. One would be lucky if what we assume is the reality but, on the other side of the coin if our supposition turns out to be totally different then relations would be on stake. A false assumption for someone is nothing but spoiling our belief on them. We try to judge the person and try finding evidence to support our assumptions.

If we look at the other aspect the complete science is based on many assumptions for example previously we assumed that the earth is the center of the universe but slowly it was proved that the theory was false. We usually start a business on the basis of assumptions made by the people, surveys are done on 1000 people and we assume that it may be the choice of overall people. Many business models are based on assumptions of business requirements but the real time scenario conflicts with the system.

So assuming certain things until facts are clear is good thinking but being ignorant from facts and believing in presumptions is being foolish. There are many factors that lead to assumptions and what does such assertion lead to will be looked in next post. By the time let us know which of yours assumption went completely opposite and surprised you.

“When we believe in lies, we cannot see the truth, so we make thousands of assumptions and we take them as truth. One of the biggest assumptions we make is that the lies we believe are the truth!” - Miguel Angel Ruiz


Linking with ABC Wednesday for the letter A for Assumptions

Sunday 11 May 2014

Best Mother's Day Quotes for every MOTHER

Happy Mother’s Day to all endearing and divine mothers in the world; this day marks many striking factors of motherhood. Many qualities assemble in mother right from selfless, caring, working, mentoring, multitasker, to always working. This mother’s day dedicate the beautiful and meaningful quote to your mother and see the warmth and love in her eyes. 

Quotes for Mother - MeenalSonal

Make your mother feel on top of the world with these remarkable quotes; present the quote in such a manner as though it was only written for her. Write it down in a letter or card, bake a cake with a lovely message, or just walk up to her and say the quote that best describes your mom; and surely she will hold you as a child.

Monday 5 May 2014

Why My Mother is My World

Oh! mother how much you care, by my side always there;
Your heart beats for me, wherever I may be;
Ma! I call when in pain; your presence relieves same;
You taught me to step out, with utmost courage and proud;
Unspoken words you understand, and prepare me to withstand;
I wish to be like you, you are my life and my world.

The above lines are straight from my heart for my mother who is my world, and it also essays how a mother’s life is always centered towards child; in last post “Mother – Our Lifeline” too we have seen how mother showers all love on her child. In this post we shall see that how a mother is a child’s Center of attraction. Keith L Brooks beautifully quoted “A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "Where mother is." 

Usually, a child observes his/her mother very keenly and learns a lot of things like good values, respect, sharing and even language too, on a lighter note maybe that’s why we call it as’ mother tongue’.Child shows utmost love and care to mother and calls her with many beautiful and loving names such as “Mamma, Ma, Amma, Mom, Mommy, Ammi, Aai.  Whatever be the calling name the emotion and love hidden in it is same. For a child, mother is center of life & world and the rest of things revolve around her. It is very well quoted thatMother, the ribbons of your love are woven around my heart“.

The emotion between mother & child is so strong and is nurtured right from the time when child feels its first senses. Even a toddler, who is just gaining knowledge day by day, feels reassured to see mother around when restless. Her presence boosts our confidence and we feel protected, and motivated under her guidance. Right from birth child knows how to express to mother and amazingly mother too understands the variations in cry. Kid’s love towards mother is blind and has complete faith. If mother shows complete commitment in raising the child, even you see a complete submissive nature of child towards mother.

Mother is World - MeenalSonal