Wednesday 22 August 2018

Book Review: A Girl in the New Town

Today I am reviewing an eBook authored by blogger friend Alpana Deo, who expresses her views at mothersgurukul in an interesting way. This is her debut book and I must say debuted with a bang.

Book Name: A Girl in New Town.
AuraOfThoughts - A Girl in the New Town
Book Cover: Cover has animated picture of a smiling girl, in a backdrop of a housing society. The book title is placed in centered, where readers catch the attention and girl next to it, does justice to the title.
The tag line “Places change, mind changes, people changes, memories don’t …” will surely make many readers to pick this eBook.  

I must say, this tagline made me cling to the book and justifies the story.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Remembrances in MONSOON : #LoveStory

The days passed by and the season Shreeja loved the most knocked the window. The water droplets making a rhythmic sound as though cheering for Shreeja and the cool breeze set her mood uplifted with memories. She was so connected with this season that even an acquaintance could sense that she is full of life during this particular season, MONSOON.   
lovestory over tea - Aura OfThoughts

Tuesday 14 August 2018

कैसे बनु देश प्रेमी - How to become responsible Citizen.

माँ ! क्या देश के सैनिक ही देश प्रेमी कहलाये है,

हम सब क्या देश को सच्चे मन से नहीं चाहतें है| 
क्या करूँ मैं ऐसा जिससे मैं भी देश प्रेमी केहलायुं,
सब देखे मुझें भी गर्व से और मैं इठलायुं | 

सोच विचार कर माँ बोली तुम भी हो देश प्रेमी,

बस कुछ काम तुम भी करो और बनो सयानी| 

जैसे अपने देश को स्वच्छ रखना पेहला काम,
इसे अपनाओ और दूसरो को भी दो तुम यह ज्ञान | 

Sunday 5 August 2018

4 reasons why I choose Mother Sparsh Baby Wet Wipes

A mother is someone who is extra cautious when the health of the child is compromised and selects the best product for the child. A mother always chooses the right things for her children, be it bathing products, skin care products or clothing or footwear. Mother knows what suits their child the best, and extra care and decision making is required when baby is new born stage or in toddler stage because the child is so delicate and child’s skin needs extra attention as it is gentle and extra soft.
aura of thoughts - Sparsh baby wet wipes
Best Baby Wipes
Being a mother what I every time look in a product is their unique features that take care of my extension of heart, my child. I carefully read and look for products that are natural and nourish baby growth. One such product, which I am assured, takes good care of my child is Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes.  Yes these are no ordinary wipes; it has unique features, which I will share with you all in this post.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Book Review : Wheels of Time by GS Nidhi

Today I am reviewing e-book titled “Wheels of Time, 12 months & 12 Tales of Life” authored by GS Nidhi. This is the third book we picked in eBook Carnival review program.

Book Cover & Title:

Wheels of Time, 12 months & 12 tales of life. The tag line ‘When the unexpected leads to expected’ made me pick this book and I am happy that my pick was rightful.

Book Cover has an image of man gazing at stars, as though the man is questioning God and listening to his answers.