Thursday 12 December 2019

4 resolutions every woman should take in 2020 #Resolutions2020

2019 is up for wrap and we all are heading towards year 2020 with goals and resolutions in our kitty for better future and life. Resolutions makes our life more focussed and yearly resolutions are small milestones to be achieved. As the year marks in our life we all have few thoughtful goals and few that are carried forward from the present year. For a goal to fulfill or a resolution to be completed there are many factors and one of them is having resolutions that are realistic and doable. Here are resolutions for woman of modern world.

Friday 6 December 2019

5 best brands to protect from deadly Mosquitoes

Winters have approached quietly and this makes all fans go on off mode, but mosquitoes are hyper active in this season. As a parent I am aware of the deadly diseases caused by mosquitoes, so I would surely protect my children from the mosquito bites. I have come up with 5 brands that are best to use as mosquito repellent.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Book Review : UNREAD, Platform for Artists

Today, we have an anthology book to review, which is titled ‘UNREAD’, 100 stories or poetries bundled up in a book summed up by Platform for Artists. Thanks Blogchatter for sending us the copy of this book, this review comes under Book Review Program of Blogchatter. Let’s see in detail whether this book held our attention or not.

About The Book:

Unread is a culmination of myriad author works in the form of poems and short stories which comprises 100 different emotions put together to present the readers a complete set of bouquet of emotions by Platform for Artists.

The poems or stories are very crisp and short each covering a single page. The title Unread portrays that the collection is not published anywhere else before being a part of this book and many of them are first time authors.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Open Letter to POLLUTION : #BachonKiMannKiBaat

Pollution is what we are hearing everywhere and kids are most affected by this. It is taking toll on their routine outdoor activities. The feelings of little musketeers are expressed below in poetic form that encapsulates #BachonKiMannKiBaat. It is very painful to see your children and their friends in tears when Children’s Day was declared a holiday in schools of Delhi-NCR due to alarming levels of air pollution. Though children forget things easily, this pollution is leaving a permanent mark in their lives. We all need to strive for better future for our children with effective measures.

Oh! Pollution you have been voted number one

No, not in our favorites but in list of hated ones

you have taken away bundled stuff from us

be it outdoor plays or celebrations, all in a complete mess.

Monday 4 November 2019

Book Review : A Useful Death by Sriram Chellapilla

I am thankful to WritersMelon for sending us the copy of book ‘A Useful Death’ by Sriram Chellapilla. Book Review is analytical and honest in all terms, where I present thoughts of this book. Let’s start with the cover of the book and then the plot and pace of the story.

Book Cover: Title in the plain text with white colored font with a man standing in front of big TV screens makes sure that readers get a glimpse that the plot is set with news media being one of the centric players in the story.

A Useful Death Story Plot: A girl named Priya, who was an aspiring actress and ex-university student, commits a suicide. Her death raises questions to the link up with her probable costar Anil and the enquires about her missing laptop and smartphone makes the police to think that this is more than murder. An investigation agency is called upon and Partha one of the member of the team takes the case with lot of persuasion from Anil’s film star family.

·      Partha, leads the case with conviction that Anil is innocent and then series of truth starts disclosing infront of him.

·      Will Partha make real culprit go behind the bars or does he feels the stardom pressure on his case?

·      Does a single student named Varaprasad decision to keep Priya secrets to him will land with right news channel?

Such questions will make you stick to the book for longer.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

4 Festive Mantras for Glowing Diwali

Everyone in the house is busy with their to-do lists in festive season, be it shopping, cleaning, rearranging and decorating house and many more tasks to be completed with the biggest festival of the year, Diwali. For me festivals are the time to enjoy the togetherness and be with family & friends who make you sparkle from within too.

DiwaliMantras - AuraOfThoughts

But many times people become so busy with the preparations that they forget to enjoy the festival proceedings and concentrate more on the tasks being performed on time. In this post I share with you all 4 festive Diwali mantras that can help you enjoy Diwali with an ample time spared to you to relish the essence of Diwali.

Monday 30 September 2019

When can NIRVANA be Enjoyed: कैसे भोगे मोह से छूटने का आनंद

It is often said “मोह से मुक्त हो जाये तो मोक्ष की ओर पहला कदम बढ़ा लिया” that is if you leave all the desires then you are step closer to Nirvana. But when can person enjoy Niravana is the biggest question.

Can it be achieved overnight?
Can it make person feel more content?
When can person be out of wishes circle? 

What is moksha - AuraOfThoughts

The below hindi poetry states the various situations where a person doesn’t understand the loop of desires and wishes and how the same situations help him/her to attain a gateway of Niravana.

जग में जो भी आया , निरस्तर चला जा रहा;
कहाँ मंज़िल कहाँ ठिकाना, हर जवाब से अंजाना |
जब नहीं समझता सब मोह है, सब माया है!

Saturday 28 September 2019

Book Review: Nobody's Child by Kanchana Banerjeee

It has been long time that I had read a mystery thriller book and when Writermelon posted review opportunity of this book, I immediately picked this one. Let’s see the review how good the mystery held my attention.

Book Title: 

Nobody’s Child by Kanchana Banerjee grips attentions of the reader from the title. It has lot to convey and opens many doors to the readers to guess right from the first page.

Book Cover: 

A girl eyes is what one observes on the cover and behind the title one can see the mouth covered with a fingers. Cover reveals that this is a story of a girl in captive and indeed it is. So cover justifies with the plot.

Story Line: 

A girl named Asavri wins a singing competition and is apple pie of a nation with her sweet voice, now she is an household name. She meets an accident immediately after contest and she is declared dead. Her close friend Avniel publishes a book named ‘I’m Nobody’s Child’ and gains popularity.

Thursday 26 September 2019

6 Ways to be part of SWACHH BHARAT Campaign

“I will not let anyone to walk through my mind with their dirty feet”quote by Mahatma Gandhi has a lot to convey. On 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, we are in the nation that was built with tons of hard work & sacrifices of many people.

Pure heart and mind with positive approach is certainly strong enough to drive away negativity and can always welcome new constructive changes. Mahatma Gandhi's words left a significant impact on us are so much alive in our hearts. He always taught to start doing things without wasting time and set an example for others, and mentioned, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”He did what others thought and said while others were thinking; his thoughts brought a change in our country.

In view of bringing cleanliness part of nation, “Swachh Bharat” campaign was started on 2nd October 2014, birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Let us explore more about the campaign and how this will benefit our nation.

What is Swachh Bharat Campaign?

Swachh means 'purity' in all essence and aspects. It is a drive 

initiated by Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, to fulfill a long desired dream of Gandhi Ji to see India clean and Green. It is a drive which focuses on garbage management, Sanitation and self cleanliness. 

The message is very clearly conveyed to all the citizens of the country by a very inspiring slogan "A step towards clean India". It clearly conveys to contribute every single bit towards building a nation where every citizen enjoys equal privilege and healthy lifestyle.

How can we be part of the Swachh Bharat Campaign?

“A clean mind maketh a clean environment.”
Whenever we visit foreign countries we are awestruck by their clean surroundings and we too keep very much care and follow the rules. But usually returning to our motherland we don’t do that.

What is that which is stopping us? Ever pondered?
So what needs to be done on primary basis?

Sunday 22 September 2019

It’s YOUR TURN NOW: Are you carrying KINDNESS in your pocket?

“Kindness is a perennial virtue, share it and it grows more”
You help someone and in reply what you get is precious as diamond the soothing smile the compassion essayed from the eyes. Yes one kindness act and you are so welled up in your emotion quotient.

We bumped about Your Turn Now (YTN) on Anupama Dalmia facebook page Beyond the box which had the contest to narrate your kindness act.
For few days we started pondering what kindness acts we had done in recent times, few flashed but we didn’t find them worth mentioning, again we started to jot down kindness acts but again they were not reaching our benchmark.

But Rushabh Turakhia says, “no kindness act is small, but maybe we all need gentle reminders to be kind”. This thought inspired us and we were drifted towards this campaign furthermore found out some amazing facts about this initiative and about founder Rushabh Turakhia. Let me share with you all about this movement.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Book Review : City of Nine Gates by Pankaj Rajput

City of Nine Gates by Pankaj Rajput with sub title ‘What did those sages realize that we still haven’t ‘ published by Notion Press is a profound book, lets see in detail what kind of realization author talks about in the title and what kind of gates we are going to unravel in this book.

Book Title: City Of Nine Gates

Book Cover: The cover is simple and clean without revealing much about the story line.


Thursday 12 September 2019

Book Review: It happened in BENGALURU by ABSUM

Today I have very special book to review, special because my brother-in-law Abhay Mathur with a pen name Absum has written it.  Reading a book when you know author closely makes it a unique read indeed. However this review is as honest as any other book review on this blog.

Book Title & Book Cover:

It happened in Bengaluru, where a winner resigned to Conquer by ABSUM published by Notion Press.

The title is makes the reader to pick the book about a story based in one of the important hub of MNC’s.

The book cover is very expertly designed which has title written in horizontal and vertical manner.  The chess image at the bottom half of the cover also reveals an image on conqueror if you look very sharply.

About the Author:  

Author Abhay Mathur shares his thoughts and experiences of life and corporate world with a purpose of learning from the experience of others. He resides in metro Bengaluru more than a decade and his love for chess is so evident in the book. Being a software professional and chess player he makes use of this sport in management with ease.