Monday 29 June 2015

Quick Reminder - Haiku

Half year soon approached
Some more challenges to face
Everything half done

Slips from hand like sand
Wake up its time to arise
Quick reminding bell
Grab the valuable time
Lapsed time can never come back

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Best gift for #FathersDay : Hug Your DAD

One man any person idolizes, 
the man to whom everybody look up to, 
the man who smiles at end of tiring day, 
the man who makes everything possible, 
the man who has solutions to each undefined problem 
is none other than adorable FATHER.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

3 Reasons to start Yoga on #International Yoga Day

Now a day’s life seems to have set on a speedy track where very less breaks, make it monotonous and hectic. What one need is a peaceful and serene mindset. It is true that one cannot escape from this routine pressure but can surely help out one self by following some fresh and revitalizing activities like yoga. Yoga, is our ancient gift which is inherited from our fore fathers and is followed by many as a routine. Lets look on few reasons why Yoga is beneficial to every individual.

whytostartyoga - AuraOfThoughts

Friday 5 June 2015

Jumble Trouble

When mess is around, stress does it’s round;
frantic becomes nature, screaming is in behavior.

What to do with this jumble, I stand on it to tumble;
emotions are deeply attached, how can I decide to detach. 
Aura-of-thoughts-delete junk
What to exclude is big dilemma!
Is this only my trouble or all bear this huge bundle,
dilemma is not for a day, as things are not to stay.

But surely everything is absorbed to an extent,
that nothing is more left to grab with intent.

So, let go immaterial stuff from your life,
while you keep memories to thrive.

Now, scream out in joyous and spacious world,
where nothing is to jumble and you stay stable.

Sharing with Two Shoes Texas - Jumble or Junk, 3WWW#430 - Absorbed, Deeply, Frantic & Blog-A-Rhythm - Scream


Thursday 4 June 2015

Unsaid Promises from Childhood: Revisited on Rakshbandhan

You will come across companion of life in many relationships, a life mate, a friend, but the bond with siblings is matchless. If the number of years calculated in every relation, you will get the answer itself. 'Sibling is first and forever friend; moreover' Betsy Cohen beautifully quoted. Though one may tease his/her sibling at home with other family members, but if some outsider dares to make fun of your brother/sister you immediately start defending them. Protecting each other is kind of making the bond stronger.


rakhi message - Aura Of Thoughts