Thursday 23 February 2017

Gaiety Stopover

 Long ago
 High-pitched vision weaved
 Raced firmly
 Through straight path
 Impish languid spirit gone
For writing passion

Yippee!!! It's time to stop over for a while and celebrate as we have crossed a landmark of 250 posts. The above Shadorma poetry narrates our journey of writing. When we look back we cherish the time we were appreciated, the time when we learned, the moments we laughed and sometimes we jotted down with teary eyes. It was the best part when we received sincere comments from our fellow bloggers and friends, which helped us in a great way to recreate aptly. We sisters have very positively nurtured our blog with utter care & devotion and we definitely cannot live without writing and sharing our views. 

As every milestone takes a turn and brings a new change, we have also come up with a pinch of newness in our blog. Keep reading & keep showering your love.

Sharing this post with Three Word wednesday#520  - High-Pitched, Impish, Languid, Poets United - Midweek Motif - Nostalgia, Blogchtter prompt - #WithoutYou & ABC Wednesday - Letter G, where G stands for Gaiety .

@Meenal Sonal

Friday 17 February 2017

Go Germ-free with Godrej Protekt Hand Sanitizer

GERMS GERMS! Everywhere, yes they do exists in millions or rather trillions in number. They almost cover each and every hook and corner our surroundings. Coming in contact with the infections is totally unavoidable but a few precautions can be very helpful. Frequent hand-wash can surely curb most of the germs, but this task looks tiresome to kids and sometimes breaks their flow of activities. To overcome this hurdle Godrej has come up with Godrej Protekt Hand sanitizer, it is a great thought of lending a hand towards making the people healthy and thus happy. 

Sanitizer that too pocket size is a boon for both parents and kids, as it can surely fit in those tiny little pockets of heroes and find a place in a cute miniature purses of princess. Without leaving their busy playing activity kids can make germ free environment by using this sanitizer.

Monday 13 February 2017

My Tree Story !!!

A little bush near a pond,
swayed by the gushing wind, was everyone's charm.

Had lots of friend bushes beside,
singing the freshness song alike.

Time just quickly passed by,
all the bushy friends rose high and high.

But the little one was left with asymmetrical growth,
mamma tree's worry soared, reason behind remained unexplored.

My Tree Story !!!