Friday 18 February 2022

Why Feather Diapers are Best for Your baby?

The parenting journey teaches us many aspects of life and one of the most important is to be a provider of all the necessary things that are best for the child. Parents take utmost care while selecting baby care products ranging from clothes to lotions, baby massage oil to diapers. With the rise in baby care range we get to know about brands that are making products that are best for the baby skin and today we are sharing about R for Rabbit Feather Diapers with you.

feather diapers review - auraofthoughts

Feather Diapers 

Feather diapers have around 10 million pores in them that help the diaper to be best for usage for babies with the breathable feature. It allows air to pass to the baby's skin that makes babies comfortable in it. 

The feather-like property makes it light in weight and helps the baby to move easily. The feather diapers yoga pants have multiple features which make the baby active and happy while wearing the diapers.

Features of the Feather Diapers

 • Softness

The smoother the texture of the diaper the better for the baby skin as the rough texture can cause rashes on the baby skin as newborn and toddler skin is very sensitive to any surface or fiber.

 • 12 Hours Absorption

With long hours of protection from the diaper, parents and caretakers are sure to get the best of it. This works well for a little grown-up baby and at nighttime where the frequency of soiled diapers is less. But if you are a parent to a newborn then I would suggest keeping a check-in every two hours. 

 • Lightweight

As the name suggests diapers are light as feathers and are not bulky too. Lightweight property is very important when it comes to diapers as we do not want the baby to fall with the weight of the diaper or restrict the agility of the baby. It also eases the parents and guardians to lift the baby easily with the diapers. 

 • Leak-Proof

It is the utmost vital virtue of the diaper as we do not wish the baby to be in a messy condition though wearing the diaper. Feather diapers are leakproof and provide long hours of absorption. 

 • Prevents rashes on babies Skin

The major concern for the parents is the rashes on babies' skin due to diapers. But feather diapers are made-up of breathable fabric that allows air to pass through the pores.

 • Thin & Super Soft

Diapers with thin make are good for the baby as it does not prevent any movement of the baby. It allows the baby to have swift movements to crawl, walk and play at ease.

 • Suitable even for Sensitive Skin types

Feather diapers claim to be suitable for sensitive skin too as the make of the product is chemical free which ensures that it is suitable for delicate skin too.

 • Chemical Free (Parabens, Latex, Phthalates, Chlorine)

The crucial element to look for baby products is that they should be chemical-free. Chemical-free diapers help the baby to retain the moisture of the skin and also do not cause any rashes that can be caused due to chemicals.

How safe are Feather Diapers

Baby skin is super sensitive compared to the grown-up kidskin, so each product needs to be double-checked. As a vigilant parent, I always check the kind of tests done by the brand and other stats of the brand besides I make sure that the product is safe to use for the baby. 

Feather Diapers has conducted the following tests 

• Chemical Tests that include Parabens, Latex, Phthalates, Chlorine

 • Dermatological Tests

 • Paediatrician Tests

 • Absorption Tests

 • Fragrance-Free

Feather diapers - features review - meenalsonal


Pick the right size

It is very important to pick the right size diaper for the baby as smaller diapers may give discomfort to the baby, and the larger ones will not solve the purpose. The right size can be selected after seeing the weight of the baby and not the age of the baby. It is good that Feather Diapers are available in various sizes right from XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. In this brand, only S size is tape style diapers whereas the rest of them are pant style diapers. 

After reading the blogpost if you are thinking of trying the product, then you can do that too for FREE. You can check the website for Feather Diapers here and order sample diapers for your baby and get to know the experience first-hand yourself.

By choosing the right set of products for the baby we can make the parenting journey smooth and enjoyable at the same time. Though every product and every brand has different effects on the baby's skin, it is always advisable to test the new product at the day time for a limited time so that any changes on the skin can be easily monitored and if any consequences happen medical attention can be provided to the baby. 



  1. Diapers have become the must-have in the baby care checklist. And with the pointers , it is quite evident that Feather Diaper is surely going to be a win-win for both kids and parents.

  2. I have also reviewed R for rabbit feather diaper recently and loved their all amazing features. indeed it is a next generation diaper that breathes. and suitable for delicate skin of babies.

  3. I heard a lot about r for rabbit brand , I thought it deal with baby bags, lunch box, bottles.
    I never used it's diaper but it seems great.

  4. Super helpful. Wish these feather diapers were around my 'new mom' phase.

  5. Feather diaper wow indeed a very good unique innovative thoughts are behind over creating this diaper. Noted all the features pointers listed above, would like to suggest few new moms nearby.


  6. I was always concerned about rashes.This post is helpful.i was in search of something like this.

  7. I love r for rabbit products. I have personally bought their stroller for my nephew and it was so asethcially good and comfortable. I am really looking forward to recommend their diaper range to my friends and colleagues.

  8. Picking up the right sized diaper with right set of features is very important for comforting the baby. I feel Feathers Diapers have all of this in itself. The best part is that these diapers are chemical free.

  9. Am. Hearing great reviews for this product. I'm awaiting the package now as I write and your review seems promising too that I made a good choice


  10. I so wish R for Rabbit was there when my kids were small. The thin feather lite diapers is a revolution

  11. I've been reading good reviews about these feather diapers and though my kids are off diapers, I am recommending it to my friends who have had babies recently .

  12. R for Rabbit is a definite good brand for kids and oh yes, its diapers are too good and free from chemical. best for kids tender skin

  13. Great post. Will share with all new momies and my aunties. It would be really helpful for them.

  14. Have been reading great reviews with this brand! Looks like a need contender when it comes to baby necessities! A great quality brand is really a need especially with your lil ones.

  15. Wow such a great information about the Twin Baby Products. Your knoweldge is useful for every parents which looking for best their baby. As we know that harmful products may ruin the baby health so it is very important to use good products.

  16. Wow such a great information about the Twin Baby Products. Your knoweldge is useful for every parents which looking for best their baby. As we know that harmful products may ruin the baby health so it is very important to use good products.


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