Thursday 19 April 2018

Quality vs Quantity

No we are not going to discuss quantity of toys or books or dresses your child demands. These are trifle issues when the matter comes to TIME.

Our 17th parenting topic is about Quality Time vs Quantity Time. 
Quality time is what kids need the most from you. One must savour the quality moments spent with kids as that lasts in our memories forever and will never come again.                                   
Lets us take a simple example from our day to day life. If you are with your child and busy with your laptop or phone the whole day and if you say that they have spent a day with kids then you are incorrect!


On the contrary if you play one hour with them or have a talk about their school, their besties and their dreams then these few hours are enough to bond with children. In this scenario when a parent says I have spent an hour with my kid then this seems valid. 

Children want your quality time and not quantity time. Yes being around kids is also a great way to be with them but what matters are the quality minutes or hours you spare just for them. This little piece of valuable time can be at your handy at the dinner table, or at a brisk walk with kids or may be during bedtime. Avail these special extracts from your juggling schedule.

The best time you can look out to mingle with kids is when you are back from your work. The moment children sees parent there are numerous thoughts     running in child mind and many incidents are shared be it school related activities or how they cycled in evening without tumbling and what not. Simple achievement or little failure talks are waiting for you to give an ear. So do cut some of your work but never compromise on your time with kids beside.

How do you spend time with your kids? Do you actually spend Quality time with them?

Sharing this post with AtoZ Challenge 2018,  Day 17 - Letter Q - Q for QUALITY.

This month we are taking AtoZChallenge with theme #ParentingIntangibleWonder, you can read all our posts of this theme here.

Blogchatter is playing a motivator for us in this challenge.



  1. I've never been a parent but I have been a kid (and I have had three dads over the years). I can tell you that one father did not give me quality or quantity time and we are not close. The second dad gave me both and I have great love for him. The third I got when I was 30 so... never mind that one.

    1. I am happy that your one of the Dads gave you that was most precious, quality time.

  2. i really think that technology has made parenting stick to neither quantity nor quality. Parents are busy with their mobiles and get kids too these gadgets so that they leave them alone. I have seen many families like this. It is a sorry state of affairs. they communicate with each other on whats-app living in the same house.

  3. Oh this is a good post. I totally agree that quality time is more important than just sitting around the kids like furniture.

  4. Such a valuable piece of parenting advice and I strongly believe in this. spending quality time with kids is first and most important thing that not only creates a strong bond with them but this is the important step that help in knowing the exact happening in their lives as well.

  5. We live in an era when people don't know the value of anything. Let alone teach their kids. Gone are the days when we had to earn our gifts. Hopefully we can make a difference in our family so that collectively it would benefit everyone

  6. I agree spending quality time or I should say dedicated time with kids is very important for their holistic growth. Just being around is not enough but participate is some or the other activity will help them in gaining life skills which no one else can teach them practically.

  7. Being around your child both mentally and physically is of utmost importance. Doing things together that creates memories helping the child cherish them for the entire life

  8. I totally agree with you kids really need your quality time and as a parent we make sure that in a day we spend as much as quality time with kids rather than they are spending time with technology

  9. I agree that few hours are enough to bond with kids. My nephew loves to chat with me and talk about his friends and school. It is good to be their friends

  10. While I am at home and around kids all days, I allow they to be on their own but also make sure we spend a lot of tme talking. I make sure when they eat I am with them and they are not alone. Night times we spend reading and storytelling. My husband makes sure when he is back from work and after his meals to sit with the kids and talk to them for some time about their day. We also do a lot of video calls to dad si that kids can talk to him through out the day.

  11. Not a mother yet but definitely agree with what you have written! Spending time with your kids is of utmost importance and thanks to technology, everything has changed!


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