Sunday 1 April 2018

Appreciation & Its Magic : #ParentingMantra

Parenting starts with this little gesture, yes ‘Appreciation’ which makes a child stands out with confidence.

Saying good words and sharing them with everyone is a good habit, which parents can instill in a child. The tender heart lits up when we tell them that they have done something great. It’s not necessary to gift a child expensive items but a pat with a smiling face can do wonders.

Instead of telling a child what he or she cannot do, one can tell them the way to improve by giving them some clues to improvise. Make a habit to acknowledge each other at home though it may be not so extraordinary but this enables a Child to develop the quality of appreciating others and not feeling depressed even if one of their friends is praised.

But we all know excess of anything harness the growth of a child and the same holds good here too. Its good to reward them every now and then but see to it you are doing it for a right thing and at the appropriate time.

Make the most of this intangible gesture by converting them into tangible actions.


Sharing this post with AtoZChallenge, Day 1- Letter A; A for Appreciation
We will be sharing Parenting theme posts from letter A to Z in this month, look for next post B-Boundaries & Its Significance.

Taking a level higher with Blogchatter in this challenge.

Do you also appreciate your child and how often you do that?
Does Appreciation makes your child feel good? 
Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.


  1. So true. Wise words to kick off A to Z...
    JQ Rose

    1. Thank you for appreciating...after all it keeps all going :)

  2. I completely agree. It only helps to appreciate someone's hard work. And children who know they are valued will only grow up to be adults who learn to appreciate and value others.

    1. Yes Nikita, appreciation is very important aspect.....keep Visiting!

  3. Nice start to A-Z! Good luck for the rest of the challenge!

    2018: A-Z

  4. What a wonderful post to start with. Appreciation is really what we all seek and what makes us feel good.

  5. Apreciation is necessary to improve productivity and positivity for everyone, be it young or old. You have shared some valid points here

  6. Your post brought a smile to my smile. And yes, I agree whole heartedly. Appreciating kids will enhance their potential n skills.

  7. I agree appreciation is necessary not only for kids but for everyone because we never know that who takes appreciation and feels motivated for living better life or doing better work.

  8. This is such a lovely post. Appreciation for kids or anyone works like a magic to boost their confidence and make them feel worthy and capable.

  9. Appreciation even in small words is loved by all. And agreed that appreciation brings a positivity in everyone's life. Children also experience this and they would also start valuing and appreciating.


Your each word matters! So drop a word or two :)