Thursday 26 April 2018

Words in Mouth

We are in so hurry sometimes that we don’t wait for other person to respond and either assume or guess the answer. In such a situation we become Amitabh Bachhan of KBC giving option to others, looks humorous but give a thought we all must have done this and particularly with children.

In our 23rd part of #ParentingIntangibleWonder series  we will talk about the options of answers we give to children in reply to our own question. And lets discuss how children behave in those scenario
“Why is your shirt so dirty, Raj?” asked a super anxious mother.

Raj was about to answer “Mamma, I actually…”

“Actually what?

Did you have a fight with Ajay? Or you were roller-skating in class or you tried to clean your school bus window with it or …”, mother took a deep breath and Raj got chance to answer.

“Mamma, actually I slipped on my water bottle in recess”.

Oh! Dear did you get hurt anywhere, show me your elbow.

“Mamma but shirt…”

“No problem, I will wash with magic detergent powder”.

This was one of the scenarios where child choose to speak and expressed the incident, but many children pick from words, which we say. Lets look at the next situation.

“Your tiffin box is empty today, what a magic today!”, said Sheila with utter shock.

To which Anahita said “Mamma, my friend…

“What your friend ate it?” Sheila raised an eyebrow.  "I will complain to your teacher tomorrow", tell me who ate it Shaina or Mohit."

But Ma nobody ate it, my lunch fell down so I need to throw it.
Oh! Dear you might be hungry?

No Ma that’s what I was telling you that my friend shared her lunch with me.

Have patience and listen to your child. Do not put words or options in their mouth. Give time to them to express the event.  Let them explain the reason why they are cheerful more today and when they feel sad.

Their reasoning helps us understand our child psychology more and more. When a child reasons out for something they learn what are their requirements and needs. Let them speak let them express and let we as parents analyze and guide them whenever you feel a need to correct them.

Have patience and listen to your child. Do not put words or options in their mouth. Give time to them to express the event.

Sharing this post with AtoZ Challenge 2018,  Day 23 - Letter W- W for Words

This month we are taking AtoZChallenge with theme #ParentingIntangibleWonder, you can read all our posts of this theme here.

Blogchatter is playing a motivator for us in this challenge.



  1. Yes, I get so impatient with my kids! I'll ask them a question and do they answer? No, they stand there blinking at me. I sometimes count the blinks waiting. 15, sometimes! Just tell me what happened!

    1. It very appreciable JEN that you have ton of patience. It will surely help your child to open up with you.

  2. Parenting is a tough job and a constant one!

    Stopping by from #AtoZ roadtrip

    1. Yes a constant and a job that seems complex at times but right move helps to bond with children.


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