Saturday 5 June 2021

5 Notable Tree plantation NGOs in India: Each step counts

Today on World Environment Day June 5, we all pledge to keep the environment safe and also watch many inspiring stories about how people are contributing to the efforts towards the environment. But how many of us make a conscious effort to bring change to the environment and surroundings. Many groups and trusts are actively involved in the tree plantation activity, and today we list with you 5 significant tree plantation NGOs in India working towards the betterment of the nation and in turn restoring the environment.


tree donations in india - auraofthoughts

Give Me Trees Trust

Peepal Baba, the founder of the Give Me Trees Trust has been planting trees since he was in class 4, he planted so many trees under the project Give Me Trees at school and college level that later he formed the trust of the same name to continue the noble cause. To date Give Me Trees Trust has planted and preserved more than 2 crore trees. With more than 11,000 volunteers in India, this organization has many hands to support mother earth. This organization is based in Mayur Vihar, Delhi. This organization promotes natural farming techniques and Peepal Baba also gives talks on organic farming.  Give me trees Trust has become the largest voluntary tree-planting movement in India


Say Trees

Say Trees is a group of environment protection enthusiasts and the NGO is based in Bengaluru. This organization is bringing saplings outside the school with a motto of inculcating the environmental values in students and they wish to cover a green belt on the outskirts of the city. They also tie up with organizations to bring the change.


Green Yatra

Green Yatra is dedicated to the protection and conservation of nature and humanity. Their main objective is to create a green environment for the future generation and the team works dedicatedly from Maharastra and the team is growing steadily with many more activities than tree plantation such as sustainable solutions, water footprint. This team pledges to plant 10 crores plants by 2025 in the Pedh Lagao campaign.



Sankalptaru's mission is to create a healthy and green environment for the future and fill the land with trees. They also promote extensive agricultural activities across the nation. With each sapling, they tend to bring change to the nation. The unique system of purchasing a sapling and seeing it get to grow at the place wished for is a transparent process for all the contributors. Apurva Bhandhari is the founder and has an excellent core team that handles all the processes well.


Forest Creators

Forest Creators are looking for massive change and plan for afforestation to build green earth. They believe in creating the balance on the land and wish to have factories and also a carpet for trees. With mentor Shri. Shubhendu Sharma of Afforestt the Myawaki Forest of 1500 trees was created in 2014 and now there is no looking back. This team has taken many such projects and completed them well in time.


tree ngos in india - auraofthoughts

These organizations are doing extensive work for building the green environment and the future we all wish for. If we wish to be part of the change but if one cannot work as a volunteer due to various reasons

  • Lack of time due to the hustle-bustle of life
  • Voluntary activities taking place far away from home.
  • Less awareness of environmental groups.
  • Not involvement at the ground level


Then donating to such a cause can make us part of such noble initiatives. Making a small contribution to the environment is like giving back to Mother Earth.

All the titles have the respective links of the NGOs. This post is only for awareness purposes, we do not gain any monetary benefits out of this. And all the NGO's donation comes under Tax benefits. 

This blog post is a part of #CauseAChatter at Blogchatter, where we are writing on #EnvironmentalTalks and pledge to spread awareness among our readers and wish to see the change in the future.

To understand the restoration of the environment and how a common person like us can be part of it, we are hosting the EnvironmentalTalks on 7th June on Instagram and Environmentalist, Peepal Baba will explain to us the practices to follow for a green environment.


  1. What an amazing post to write on Environment Day. In school, we too had tree plantation activity and it made me so happy to be a part of something like this.

  2. Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.

  3. I follow Peepal Baba on Facebook and he really highlights important issues related to Mother Earth and trees. I am now going to look up the others mentioned in your post and learn from them too. We should understand our planet via these experts.

  4. I have heard your conversation with Peepal Baba. We need such people who have a vision to save our planet Each step count thats very true and with such steps we can protect our mother earth.

  5. this is really inspiring. I agree Making a small contribution to the environment is like giving back to Mother Earth.and each one should try to put some efforts in this direction. all these organizations are doing great job with tree planation. hats off to them for this inspiring initiative.

  6. Definitely, making a small contribution to the environment is like giving back to Mother Earth. We should try to put some efforts in this direction.

  7. I follow the initiative of peepalbaba. Glad to know the other ngos. I've been planning to get myself involved in such activities cos my mom was a green lover.
    - sindhu

  8. I m stunned with the variety of contents that you shared with us. Each content is different and unique and this one is out of the box

  9. Very nice article. It's really important to plant trees these days as pollution in increasing day by day. And it is helpful to protect our earth too.

  10. Peepalbaba has been doing a wonderful work in tree plantation. Such NGOs are so inspiring for all. Would love to see more such orgs.

  11. These NGOs are really doing a wonderful job and thanks for sharing more about them. I would like to do my bit as I feel small steps will lead to bigger changes.

  12. I really enjoyed this post. I loved the way you have shared the details about these NGOs. Thank you for introducing us to these organization. Would love to help them. Great work.

  13. Love how India is really making an effort to conserve the trees. Trees may seemed a lot if you look at it from a far but with how much we consume and cut nowadays to keep up with the needs of people and don't make an effort planting again for the next generation, we might wake-up one day with none and that would be a nightmare nobody wants. Great work sharing this notable organisations who make an effort conserving and planting trees. This would help reach others.

  14. Love how India is really making an effort to conserve the trees. Trees may seemed a lot if you look at it from a far but with how much we consume and cut nowadays to keep up with the needs of people and don't make an effort planting again for the next generation, we might wake-up one day with none and that would be a nightmare nobody wants. Great work sharing this notable organisations who make an effort conserving and planting trees. This would help reach others.


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