Thursday 24 June 2021

Poetry : Courageous Self-walk : Discovery of life facts

I wish to take a refreshing pause,

Barring to listen anyone’s speech or clause.

Silver plated path ahead is not mine,

Shall create my own everlasting shine.

Let the vast world speedup like electricity,

But this does not endow me serenity.

My walk may seem weary though,

Responsive to intuition makes me glow.

Slowly I gather an impressive courage,

Than filling my pocket with others advantage.

Scrutinizing each arena, I then decide,

Decision consequences are my stride.

Staying immune is the greatest goal,

A healing touch to my maim soul.

Every contrivance has something to say,

Improper maybe the route, bagful lessons to stay.

My learnings, treasure of the life game,

No regrets or no one particular to blame.

Aloof time in soul searching is magical,

my life sketch in this era is gift of factual.

In the life track we also need a power of positive thoughts to choose the right way. We humans can also emerge with double the strength thoughts on positivity can focus more enthusiastically by taking a short pause.

This pause is nothing but break from your routine or a me-time or for some a power nap. It is necessary to take a break then again start with a bang.

What kind of pause or break works for you?

What acts as booster for your routine?

Share your views with us.

Sharing this post with Mindlovemisery's Menagerie Photo Challenge #371 & Wordle #246

This post is part of #Blogchatter Half Marathon, this is our sixth post in the challenge & also part of the Blogchatter's #UnitedWeCan campaign where we spread positivity with our writing.



  1. Each of us marches to a different music and we can grow better when we realise this by becoming content.

  2. I agree one needs to take a break and introspect. There are times we are aimlessly doing something not realizing where it's going to take us. Take a pause, introspect and then go ahead with greater zeal.

  3. So very agree. We need a beak to reflect upon our actions, to learn and unlearn and to ignite with double energy. To me doing some diy or spending my time with my family gives me that break.

  4. Yes completely agree that we all need a break or some quality me time to break the monotony of routine. for me, spending some quite time in nature works best . it make me feel refresh and give an instant energy to go back on track again and complete all responsibilities.

  5. How absolutely beautiful :) Taking a pause and just living in the moment is something we all need time to time. I like to escape in the world of books and often staying away from social media helps too :)

  6. You have written so wonderfully Meenal. Poetry comes natural to you. We do need a break from the routine life and especially that we are into right now since pandemic. Spending time with my kids playing or stepping out for a walk gives me the break I need.

  7. This meaningful pause is so required in everyone's life. In the rush of life and stressed over the Mayhem, somewhere we forgot to live in the very moment. Your poetry fueled that decent resting mode in me. Your are so pro in penning down heartfelt poetry.


  8. Lovely poem. I definitely enjoy when you share prose.
    Escaping is something that we all need in todays times.

  9. I totally agree with you. I must day lovely poem. This is very very meaningful

  10. This is really a thought provoking poem. In the mad rat race of today we have forgotten to stop and smell the roses or watch a squirrel rac ing away in search of food.I like to savour the little pleasures of life.

  11. Wonderful and meaningful peom. I am a poet myself and I can relate with the thought process led out here. Keep up the good work.

  12. Taking a break not only let's you unwind bit also a new perspective to continue doing what you've been doing.


  13. I guess for me the biggest pause happens when I am reading or travelling. These two things act as balm for my soul... Beautiful poem as always!

  14. Yes. .we need to pause and introspect that where our life is heading to.It will make us to lookk at the path we have taken.wonderful post as usual.


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