Wednesday 3 April 2019

C - CLOUDS - Lessons from #NatureRepository

Clouds are the purest form of water resource, it is the nature's water replenishing factory that keeps the water balance of environment. The clouds look fluffy, soft white cottony soft transforming from one shape to another hovering from one end to another.

Observing such cloud formations was a fun time in childhood and even today with children. Each person has their angle to view the clouds and that is the thing I like the best. Everyone tries to see many more forms of a single cloud.

So what these soft fluffy water laden clouds teach us?

To me Clouds teaches to be calm and composed always in any situation. Clouds also mingle easily with another cloud and move together. Like the clouds we humans are also laden with many different roles keeping a composed demeanor. We should also mingle with persons assuming every person is doing well until they prove otherwise.

And clouds appear to be delicate molding perfectly from one shape to another. But when it is fully loaded with water it pours down with complete force and thunder. Like these mighty clouds one should take care of every responsibility by staying composed. But these clouds also teach us to be ready to fight back hard situations of life when required with our complete wit and power. The lightning and thunderous way of fighting back in situation without letting morale down is another key aspect of Cloud.

Have you ever noticed Clouds in the sky?
What they say to you?

Are you a nature curator?

We Meenal & Sonal are, nature lovers and observers too. So this year we have come up with theme #NatureRepoistory for #AtoZChallenge & #BlogchatterA2Z.

You will find Nature lessons with each alphabet through out April. You can find previous letter posts here.



  1. I love observing clouds, their unique shapes tell so many stories! Nice post :)
    Noor Anand Chawla

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Noor, yes Clouds do have many stories ready to be poured out.

  2. I am loving your topic dear. Clouds truly are inspirational, I still love to stare at them

    1. Thanks Roma, yes looking at clouds and going deep in thoughts.

  3. I find clouds very interesting and take many pictures of them. I even did a post on them long back. Liked your philosophical take on them.

    1. Would love to read your post Varsha and your take on Clouds

  4. I still have fun finding faces or weird shaped creatures in the clouds with my lil cousin 😂

    1. Snehal, I guess there is no age barrier for this game.

  5. I remember spending evenings with cousins talking about cloud faces and shapes. I like your perception with clouds.

  6. You have written such a lovely post on clouds. It's so relaxing to read these fresh topics.

  7. I think.. I will see clouds with a different outlook now.. It was so positive reading this

    1. Thanks Misha, we are so grateful with the comment

  8. You have written it so beautifully, loved reading this. Only a true observer could write this beautofully about nature and its beauty. Clouds are indeed a beauty of nature.

    1. Thanks Kavita, yes being observant is one key aspect for Nature Lovers

  9. I could have never imagined of writing a post about clouds ... So kudos to you for getting the idea... I am glad I came across this post


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