Monday 20 January 2014

New Chapter, New Emotions

This post has won Memories of Motherhood contest by Bio-Oil at Blogadda :))

First day of any beginning is exceptional and remembered even after many years of it; and that experience is cherished in our heart. First day of college or first day at office or first day at kitchen or first day at gym….the list goes on. We remember each of first days and its incidents pretty very well. But how many of us remember our first day at school. Every parent has to decide and look when is your child ready to to play school, and that's a tough decision.

At such early age, we generally don’t remember anything; neither do I. But parents of child remember it very well. The greatest twist in my early parenting was so special. Even today I can recall everything with all minute details, as it was just another day; when my child was about to go to pre-school; I was nervous, tensed and heart was beating faster as if I am going to attend an interview. I knew that it’s just matter of few hours of separation but unable to digest it.

When I left the little hands, there was question in sparkling eyes “Where are you going leaving me behind?”

And I could only answer through my reassurance smile conveying “I will be there”.

Back at my place, home suddenly seems silent as never before; which I wished was when I was doing really important work earlier. Floor was clean and no more toys to tumble upon, everything looked perfect but the life of the house was missing.

And suddenly, I felt clock had stopped ticking, checking my phone made me realize each second was passing like a minute. Somehow after dragging each task to the fullest, the time to receive my child was there. I was anxiously waiting, and when little hands came across my shoulders, I was relieved and took a deep breath. My child reacted as though, whole world was once again normal. There was satisfaction in eyes and was elated to return home.

Generally, a child at early age thinks why parents send me to school? What they want me to learn? Is school such a good place, that even if I cry to my heart out, they leave me there.

Parents keep their heart strong yet looking at the weeping child and takes decision from mind for the better future of a child. Though at start, both parent and child take some time to adjust to the routine but later on get accustomed to it. This first day of school, just marks the commencement to our wonderful ride of education, and from here we get our wings to fly in the world. New chapter opens in our life unknowingly, which in future leads to open up many more chapters. Gratitude to our parents who started such a beautiful journey for us……

“You’re off to great places. Today is your Day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” - Dr Seuss

“New beginning accompanies new fears, new emotions and thus refine us…..”

This post has won a WOW badge from Blogadda

I am sharing my #MemoriesOfMotherhood with Bio Oil and BlogAdda. This Mother’s Day check out the Yummy Mummy calendar and  make a similar calendar of your own using the Bio Oil App.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.



  1. Very lovely words of expression

  2. Wonderful outpouring of beautiful and delicate emotion of motherly concern. Being an emotional guy, I loved your post :)

    1. Thank you Ravish. Each emotion expressed is still fresh in my heart.

  3. Very well written.Sending a child to school for the first time needs adjustment not only by the child but also for the mother.

    1. Thank you Usha Menon, yes the first day is toughest for child and parents.

  4. Excellent expressions...I would also about to pass by this emotional phase of life...

    1. Yes Kopal, every parent goes through this emotional tough phase


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