Tuesday 28 July 2020

7 Free Awesome eBooks for all Book Lovers #BlogchatterLibrary

As the Seven colors of the rainbow make it beautiful and each color has its own facet and distinguishes among others so are these eBooks published in Blogchatter Ebook Carnival. We have picked these seven books from more than 60 plus books published this year. The review of these books is short and in alphabetical order as it would be hard for us to rate them in any other manner. 

Book reviews of these books will leave with a collection of poetry, non-fiction where culture, philosophy to read plus health book, and in fiction from love stories to soulful letters. Be ready to ride with us on a book tour with some amazing free books to read. You can also check out which notable e-books Cindy, our blogger friend has picked who blogs http://www.blogaberry.com/

Free ebooks to download - AuraOfThoughts


Blossoms and Foliages – Daisy Bala


Blossoms is what we all look for be it personal or professional. Poetry is our first love and reading this book was special as we have also learnt and expressed in our Nature Repository posts.

Blossoms Foliages Book Review - AuraOfThoughts


·Blossoms and Foliage’s is a debut book by author Daisy Bala and this poetry book is for nature lovers who wish to learn from nature.


·Book is compilation of 31 poems which describe each aspect of nature beautifully woven.


·All the poetries are of non-rhyming yet it sets the mood of the rhythm of the nature.


·All the titles are and the pictures are very much in sync with the poetry and makes the reader to feel the either the drop on a flower or a snow on grass.


·One striking point of the book is author has even described each photograph in words for visually impaired people which is quite an impressive job.


·Best of the pick for me is ‘Matter & Spirits’ where author speaks about how a aloof branch can also gather courage.


·Grab the book for free “Blossoms and Foliages – Daisy Bala’. Genre – Poetry. Pages – 67. Rating 4/5



Childhood Obesity & Adult Life – Dr. Amrita Basu


Childhood Obesity & Adult Life is the 5

Book Review Child Obesity Book - Aura Of Thoughts


·The book is widely divided in to 10 chapters where author start from the problem of obesity and showcases solution to it in upcoming chapters.


·Dr. Amrita observes that obesity starts right from the womb for a child and the eating habits and patterns continue after birth.


·Parents worrying over why kids are eating unhealthy food can be easily solved by placing healthy items in front of them. Parents play a huge responsibility in this.


·How diet and physical activity be planned so that body gets maximum benefits and how small changes can make kids life a healthy one.


·Doctor explains the 4 stages of obesity and how one can achieve goals in each step.


·In the book there is nutrition and diet plan chapter that makes the things easy for readers to have action plan after reading this book.


·Book is easy to understand to all the readers and you need not be too qualified in the terms to understand it.


·And there is surprise for all the readers book has a snippet of Nutrients & Diets, Book 4 of the series.


·Grab your copy of Childhood Obesity & Adult Life by Amrita Basu for free and have healthy life. Genre – Non-fiction, Health. Pages - 39, Rating 5/5



Dreams Decoded – Ujjwal Mishra


Dreams are real yet so fictional and to know the depth of each dream pattern or occurrence of it there is a theory and facts behind it. Ujjwal Mishra has amazingly gathered all the information in her posts and this makes her nonfiction book an interesting read. Her first book ‘Journeysutra’ was a fiction love tale.


Dreams Decoded book review - Aura Of Thoughts

·Dreams Decoded takes you on a journey where you get all the answers about the dreams in these 26 chapters.


·The book cover with a man standing in front of whirlpool of thoughts is a perfect for the book and it gives overview of the book.


·If you have ever dreamt and wanted to know what it means, then this book is for you as every dream is decoded by the author.


·Reader comes to know many facts regarding the link between the dream and real-life consequences.


·Author has brilliantly composed the book covering main themes and incidents of the dream so that every reader can relate to it and understands the reasoning of each dream.


·Like when you see running in dream, so is it running away or running towards the home. Significance of each is well explained.


·Get to know about kids, money or even seeing animals in the dream mean to you by Ujjwal Mishra


·Get your copy for free “Dreams Decoded – Ujjwal Mishra’. Genre – Non-fiction, Pages – 72. Rating 5/5



GI’s of Odisha – Dr. Anita Sabat


Knowing the culture of your state is completely different than loving the state and valuing each part of the culture and tradition. We are following Dr. Anita Sabat blog for a long time and she has never failed to surprise us with the variety in her writing.


Book Review GI of ODISHA - Aura Of Thoughts

·GI’s are Geographical Indications that make the place unique with its culture, food produced, or other things produced locally.

·This book focuses on making 17 GI’s for Odisha and the author has even written many posts when the GI for Rasogulla was given to Odisha #RasagolaDibasa

·Book starts with the description and explanation of the GI and its procedure to obtain.

·All the 17 GI’s of Odisha are stated with its features and the exhibition where all GI’s are exhibited.


·Author has represented 12 of the GI’s in the exhibition and has close knowledge of the handloom which makes the book more authentic to read.


·I was amazed to know the facts about the Orissa Ikat work and even that verses of Gita Govinda were written on few.


·Konark Stone carving and the stone artisans hard work and appreciation are mentioned. Gopalpur Tussar Fabrics, and many more details about the GI’s can be found in this book.


·If you wish to know about Odisha state then this is the book you can have it for yourself.


·Get you copy for free GI’s of Odisha by Dr. Anita Sabat. Genre – Non-fiction, Culture & Philosophy. Pages – 43. Rating 4/5



It’s all called Love – Dipika Singh


Love stories with a twisted plot is what we love and our dear friend Dipika Singh has very well captured it in her debut book.


Book Review Its all called love - Aura Of Thoughts

·11 Love stories and all showcasing a different aspect of love in very subtle yet striking manner.


·Few stories have open ended ending and that is the beauty of the writer to exactly stop at a place where reader can take directions in the story as they wish and feel connected to the story.


·Each story is set in a different backdrop with love being main ingredient makes this book more readable than other short stories collection in the carnival.


·Love has many features to it and writing a short story on each one is a huge task which Dipika pulled it up very well.


·Words and emotions are swaying in complete sync in the stories and you will understand the rhythm of love is playing in background.


·If you are short story lover then you cannot miss this book, my favourite from the lot of 11 is ‘To Be with You Forever’.


·Grab your copy of  It’s All called LOVE by Dipika Singh for free. 32 pages. Rating 5/5



See through words – Ravish Mani

Ravish Mani has a foresight for readers and especially for seekers. See through the words take you to an upper level of thinking. He has also a penned a book Make Success Your Way of Living’ and an audio book Break Free the Leader Within. 

Book Review See Through Words - AuraOfThoughts

·Right from the cover of the book to the page that titles Uncopyright gives you an impression that you are reading the book to gain wisdom, yes wisdom not knowledge.


·Ravish Mani has a dedicated approach and the book covers concept of enlightenment through the words.


·Words can either make or destroy thing, so why not make them better. Author has explained all the pointers in such a manner that a reader doesn’t feel they are taking lesson that is the beauty of his writing style.


·Book is divided in to 6 chapters and deals with each concept with writing, examples and stories.


·Know the Zen way through the Zen is what the book preaches.


·Book is simple yet effective and leaves the reader with thoughts to ponder upon.


·I am so engrossed with the book that I will re-read as I don’t want to miss anything and will ‘see through the words’ again.


·Get your copy of ‘See through Words’ by Ravish Mani for free. Genre – Non-fiction, Culture & Philosophy. Pages – 41, Rating – 5/5



To My Grandchild with Love – Roma Gupta Sinha


To my Grandchild with Love by Roma is the fifth book where previous books have been about Love, women, destiny and self. This book holds special to her as the book contains letters to her grand-child.

Book Review Grandchild with love - AuraOfThoughts


·As the title and cover suggests the book is about letters written to a grandchild which explains the feelings and lessons learnt in Covid 19 pandemic.


·The book is divided in to 26 chapters and each chapter has a format of a letter, that is gives the reader the feel of a letter throughout the book.


·All the letters are written in honest manner and talks about the various incidents during the Coronavirus outbreak.


·Really loved the way Roma has addressed the grandchild as Ann and explains each aspect of the situation in positive tone.


·Imbibing various values like humanity, positivity, fitness, gratitude all letters are filled with care.


·Reading the book is like reading a journal of a person and author has done a commendable job by keeping the rhythm of the book and reader never loses the interest.


·Each chapter has a lesson that can be learnt by the child and incorporated in the life. All lessons in the chapters makes you strong and determined to fight against Corona outbreak with peace and smile at hand.


·Grab this copy of  To My Grand Child with Love – Roma Gupta Sinha.  Genre – Non-fiction, Pages – 115. Rating 5/5.

ebook reviews Blogchatter - Aura Of Thoughts

Download these books and read at your leisure, pick according to your taste and enjoy the book reading sessions. We have showcased our love of books by writing reviews of these book, you all can show by downloading them sharing about these books. Check more free ebooks at the Blogchatter Library



  1. This is such a wonderful surprise, thank you so much for the amazing list of books.
    I am so glad to have featured in the list of best 7 free books. Thank you so much for this.

    1. Your book was so loveable that it has to be featured on our blog

  2. Thanks a lot dear Auraofthoughts. For taking out time to read and review my book. Getting it reviewed by you means a lot to me.

  3. I have followed Ujjwal's and Dr.Amrita's posts in A2Z. I did read a couple of Roma's too. All have done a wonderful job in coming up with something valuable for their readers. Will check the rest.

  4. All these books looks very promising and good read. Will definitely pick them all, I read two of them amrita's and Dipika's.. Will read others too. Thanks for sharing the review

  5. Fantastic compilation! I will be downloading these and reading them soon. I have read and LOVED Daisy's book, will surely download the others too. Thank you for sharing the detailed review.

    1. It was great pleasure for us to compile all the book reviews in a single post for the love of the books.

  6. I had read most of these books and indeed they all have their unique concept and reason to read. thanks for sharing this wonderful review.

  7. That is a lovely list of books and I see a lot of familiar names in there. I have read a few of the posts from almost all books, and i will now check out the books soonest.

  8. Aaww thanks a lot my dears for picking up my book to my future grandchild. It is releasing on Amazon shortly with many new letters.

  9. This is a wonderful surprise to have my book in this list of your 7 favourites list.Its an honour to be selected.Thank you for the kind words

  10. A great collection of E books you have showcased in this post. Let me check put all 7 of them. Thanks

  11. These are some wonderful books. I am surely impressed by the compilation as the synopsis of each one seems appealing. Thanks for these recommendations.

  12. These ebooks look really great, thanks for your recommendations. I would love to pick up these books and give them a read.

  13. Wow..these books looks really great and happy to see some of my fav bloggers and friends books mentioned which I really loved!!

  14. These are some great books that you have listed for sure. Dreams decoded was my favorite from all of these and of course Dr. Amrita's book is a ready help.

  15. This is a fantastic compilation. I have read bits of books from Dipika, Ravish and Dr. Amrita. All are good books and make for good reads too.

  16. Beautiful books option.. I will read the geographical indications of Odisha because I am from Odisha . All the books are good..


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