Friday 31 July 2020

Implementation of New Education Policy 2020: #EducationForAll #CauseAChatter

Good news flowing in the education field with Ministry of Human Resources Department, stated New Education Policy of the year 2020. Former ISRO chief Dr. K Kasturirangan headed the nine-member team who written new education policy which also comprised members of MHRD.


The country is rejoicing, educators, academicians and students are looking for a positive change in the education system through the new education policy, NEP2020 proposal. Let’s have a look at the benefits of the new education policy and change it can bring in the education field and make India prosperous nation in this sector too.


Implementation of NEP 2020-AuraOfThoughts

Now many are concerned how NEP 2020 will be implemented and most importantly when NEP 2020 will be implemented. Parents, educators and students started raising their questions as this academic year 2020-2021 is itself a challenge in the education due to Covid 19 pandemic.


First lets look at what are the main pointers of the NEP 2020


Source -

In the #EducationForAll series of #CauseAChatter, our aim is to simplify the explanation of implementation of NEP 2020.


Functioning of Education Bodies in NEP 2020


·      Implementation of the NEP 2020 in the long run and for it successfully to run it requires an establishment of Apex advisory body for Indian education, IES – Indian Education Services.


·      For National education policy to function wisely it advocates formation of Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA). This apex body will be duly replacing the central advisory board of education (CABE).


·      RSA, will be chaired by Ministry of Education and consists of 30 members in it. Two-third of the members of RSA will be educators, eminent researchers and leading professionals from various fields of health, art, science, social work& agriculture. The members will be from Indian and also distinguished people from Indian origin residing in other country.


·      RSA will also have few Union Ministers on rotation (State & Centre), whose ministries directly impact the education sector such as health and child development. of State and UT’s plus also include Secretaries in Education Ministry, NITI Aayog.


·      RSA will take the leap and make the functionality of all the proposed functions in NEP 2020, this body will also work closely with corresponding State education bodies for easy implementation of the policy.

·      The RSA will have a Permanent Secretariat of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (PSRSA) , headed by Executive Director who will be person with the in depth knowledge of education system. PSRSA will work with RSA to implement the vision of NEP 2020.

·      Similarly, to RSA a body known as Rajya Shiksha Aayog (RjSA) will be created in each state so that the execution of the policy is done with the co-ordination with RSA.

·      Importantly the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) will be res-designated as Ministry of Education (MoE). The current role of MoE will be mapped with RSA for better functionality of the policy.

Policy mentions Quality Education For All : NEP 2020

·      To achieve the goal of world-class education, policy foresees an increase of public investment – by both the governments (State & Centre) and aims to reach 6% of GDP.

·      Policy will also ensure the higher education of the underprivileged groups closely.

·      Atleast 2% of the total budget in higher education will be marked for research and innovation.

·      After one-time investment there are many areas that will be worked to keep the education system function properly year after year.

·      Policy also call all the philanthropist to contribute generously towards the education sectors and in addition policy also mentions any contribution raised by for example Alumni groups and development offices will not see the cut in public funds.

·      NEP 2020 also will keep an eye on education institutions for the fee structure and various activities as policy believes education is for public good and should not only become source of profit. This is intended to be light check but surely a tight one on all education institutions as mentioned in the policy.

National education Policy - MeenalSonal

Implementation Vision of NEP 2020

·      Implementation of NEP 2020 solely lies in the intent that is betterment of the education in India.

·      Policy is set to run in phased manner as each policy pointer has several steps and each step is dependent on the completion of the previous one.

·      Most urgent and critical [pointers needs to be addressed first for the better functionality of the entire policy.

·      As the policy is interconnected and is deepened to ensure education sector a good change all the pointers needs to be full-fledged functional.

·      Education is a concurrent sector, so reviewing and functioning of Centre & State needs to be in sync.

·      All these implemented within a time frame with the help of all the prerequisite resources would definitely bring in change very soon. Thus would require honest feedback and hard work from each and every individual to bring in a positive change in coming years.

·      And lastly careful reviewing of all the policy at each stage while checking the parallel approach of State & Centre is vital.

·      Subject Matter Expert of each field contributing to successfully completion of the policy is required and every formed body RSA, RjSA  will be working in sync for the implementation of the policy.

·      NEP 2020 visions that by 2030, the decade will give ample opportunities for the education bodies to see the complete function of the policy pointers at each stage.

Education can bring a change in view and the pointers of NEP 2020 visions for the growth of the education field in turn growth of each aspiring student who can manifolds the growth of the nation. To build a nation with progressive approach NEP 2020 will surely need tremendous work done by all the people in education field.

You all can also check our #EducationForAll posts where we discuss about various aspects of Education.

“Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Great visionary aptly quoted and we as a country men should be proud that small steps in form of this new education policy are taken to build a bright future of students.

*Reference – All the pointers presented in the post are with reference to the National Education Policy 2020 released on 29th July 2020.



  1. It was long pending. Finally the new education policy is in place and we really hope it enables students to think rather than just mug up and score in exams. You have explained it fantastically. Thanks.

    1. Now we are heading to right path for educating our children.

  2. There are many radical changes that this new education policy has now the question is that how it will be implemented.. only time will tell. I just hope in this change, schools are equipped to cope up with.

    1. Time is set and plan too Judy it is now the educators need to function each step properly.

  3. Manisha - The New Policy really looks like a big change. I am glad that my little one would be studying in this new system.

    1. Huge change that can change our way of thinking and generations will flourish with this system.

  4. Yeah finally after all these years they have taken a huge step. Let's hope for the best.

    1. If we all work towards positive intention this policy is going to create a positive wave in India.

  5. The new education policy is such a huge respite. Many students have been demanding for a change in our age-old, archaic education system. With the changing demands of the workplaces, it is important to teach students the necessary life skills that not just focuses on book reading and passive learning, but on overall development of the child. I welcome this change wholeheartedly :)

    1. Thats great Rahul you are supporting it. Lets all support the government bodies who will function on it.

  6. It’s a good change & will benefit everyone.
    Thanks for sharing the detailed post which highlights & give info properly.

    1. Absolutely it will benefit all in future. Thanks Jenifer for the kind words.

  7. I absolutely loved these new changes. I wish I could go back to school and study with these changes. It is definitely a great step towards the betterment and will be awesome to see how it will be implemented.

    1. Even I wish to go back and study 2 more subjects which I was inclined to.

  8. Really liked the idea of government as 10+12 was from very long time . You have explained it so well thank you .

  9. The new changes will definitely have a better future of the kids because they would learn practically physically and just not mug up things to write on the paper

    1. Yes this policy will give way to creativity and knowledge and not just bookish matter.

  10. What a detailed review and esp on something I haven't been following. The suggested changes will change some much on the educational landscape

    1. Glad we could post about the subject in detail for all readers


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