Monday 27 July 2015

Book Review- Panther

The book 'Panther'by Chimmi tenduf-La is his second book which portrays how life of a boy,Prabhu,is affected due to the war and what kind of problems he faces in his journey of life.

Book Cover:
The front cover of the book gives an idea about what could be the base of the story. The map of Sri Lanka gives a clear picture about the location of the story or some special connection with the country. Cricket is been obvious by the cover and lures to start off.
Panther by Chimmi Tenduf-La
Chimmi Tenduf-La is half English; half Tibetan grew up in Hong Kong, London, and Delhi and finally settled in Colombo, Sri Lanka with his family.He has written plays and fiction for local publications.His debut novel is 'Amazing Racist'.

The story kick starts introducing the hero of the story, Prabhu Ramanathan, a Tamil young lad , an all-rounder who is extremely good at sports especially cricket. The story revolves around him who is one of the sufferers of the war between the locals of Sri Lanka called Sinhalese and the Tamils.
His father fell victim of the terror group which changes the life of his family. He was left alone and was forced to take shelter in a very clumsy camp where the minimum facilities seemed far off. 
Being very good at cricket he somehow gets admission into a fancy school which brings in some hope to improve.It was a totally different world and experience for him but failed to prove fruitful as at every walk of life he had to face many unpleasant situations for being a Tamilian.


  • Prabhu and his cricket counterpart Indika sets a good example of friendship. One Tamil and the other Sinhalese Sri Lankan show everyone that there is no place of hatred.
  • Also liked the different code names used in the story for the members of the war groups.

  • The story keeps dodging into past and sets in present in every alternative chapters which creates confusion.
Final Word:
The book is surely a one-time read to know what the title of the book “Panther” represents here.The characters are portrayed beautifully and the shortcoming of a rivalry is pictured well. It deciphers a message through the story that war leads to nothing.

Thank you Chimmi Tenduf-La for giving the opportunity for reviewing the book.It was pleasure reading it. Looking forward for many more.

Book Details:
Name: Panther
Author: Chhimi Tenduf-La
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
P-ISBN: 978-935177-220-0
E-ISBN: 978-935177-221-7
Pages: 263
Price:  Rs 299
My Rating: 3.5/5


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