Tuesday 28 July 2015

Tribute to a legend in itself : APJ Abdul Kalam

Sir Abdul Kalam was a visionary and supreme soul,
who taught us success can be achieved without foul.

He was student’s role model to excel with spark,
who just joined abode sparkling universe of stars

Known as missile man of India for his contribution,
as Science and technology were his passion.

As the President of India, he was loved to fullest,
those who met him had experience to cherish.

We would always in lifetime need such a special hand,
to enlighten us with his unmatched magic wand.

A teary good bye to a humble soul,
pledge to meet your set goals.

Abdul kalam-tribute in poetic way

Let us pay tribute to Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam by following his vision of India and doing our bit towards building the nation he dreamt of. This post is a sincere acknowledgment to a man who polished era of science with his efforts and dedication and who raised a hope in every Indian.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a nice tribute to Sir Kalam....Really liked it. He will always be remembered as an Iconic figure in India & people's President. His teachings will always inspires generations to come.

    1. Our tribute is just bit to this great personality.

  3. such a fab tribute to the great man... RIP sir!
    cheers, Archana - www.drishti.co


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