Saturday 17 July 2021

Poetry : Persistent Change : Breaking barriers to Rise

Turns and folds of human brain,

Builds numerous cages out of fear and despair.

Ambiguity of future paints our mind,

Plotting a change resembles an arduous time.

Tend to build heavy boulders with stones,

Every possibilities overlooked and back-turned. 

100's in number the thoughts muddle,

Uncertainty screams, sterility jingle.

Boundaries creep that fail to curtail, 

Shuts doors to evolve and smoothly sail.

Walking with time be punctuation in life,

Gallant efforts prepare us for situation right.

Resisting change, mind creeps to routine,

Heart shouts for forward change to shine.

Change persists, will meet at every bay,

Soon communion sparkles to give a ray.

One empowers in life’s moulding bowl,

Breaking all barriers to reach the goal.

Shatter all myths and hypocrisy’s at once,

Ear-mark the progressive positive stance.

Condition lest define unique channel, 

Foster courage to walk in conversion tunnel.

Status quo’s are rehearsal for superior change,

Understanding each is out of human range.

We all know change is a part of life and it is very important aspect; without which the arena or the way we are living our life is not possible. But what matters much is the degree of change and to what extent it will affect our life. Normally, we like change when it is more swiftly done, when there is not much reshuffling of our routine; sometimes few changes go unnoticed because they have a meager effect on our life. Moreover we accept change when we are prepared for it or when we have a little idea about its after effects. It’s beautifully quoted by Jim Rohm that” Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”.

This post is part of Wordle #249 , Photo Challenge #374 Mindlovemisery's 



  1. Some changes bring unbelievable twists in our lives. Sometimes good sometimes bad you have articulated this really well

  2. Change is the only constant. As you beautifully said change perissts and that's what keeps us going

  3. Change is the way of life and is the only thing that is constant. Accepting change can bring peace and joy and as you said, that's what keeps us going. Infact the world revolves around change.

  4. Such beautiful words. I have become a fan of your words and the way you express everything. As they rightfully say change is the only constant and we should also adapt to the changes happening in our lives gracefully and not let it affect our minds and capabilities a lot.

  5. Change is the only thing thats constant in our life and completely inevitable. So brace the change as it comes, good or bad.

  6. Few changes are definitely for good. I have been noticing some changes lately and they have been positive

  7. Wow first I loved the beautiful poetry. you are so good with this art. agree change is the only constant thing is world. now it is all up to us how we embrace it in our routine life. at the end, our attitude is the most important thing that matter most in life.

  8. Change is the only constant in my life and not good at all.zi shiver to think what's next.

  9. Changes are always required and a must and you have explained it all so well. Your word selection and flow is just commendable

  10. While a rational mind knows that change is the only constant, it is the mind that resists the change when it is evident. It is important to find acceptance first and then move on to adapt to it.

  11. I have always welcomed changes and conditioned myself to take them in my stride, I really loved your take on the subject.

  12. Changes are definitely for good and much needed in life . You have put these in a poem format beautifully.

  13. You really have a way of expressing your thoughts beautifully through poetry. You never fail to impress! Another gem from the MeenalSonal poetry treasures.

  14. As we know change is the only constant thing so Change ought to happen whether we like it or not. So being positive about it is the only way out. Very well penned.

  15. Life feels monotonous when it's always constant and easily predictable. Change us what makes it interesting. Loved how you have penned it and i agree we live when it's just slow and we are prepared

  16. So nicely written! Change is constant in our life and the sooner we get adjusted with this fact, the better. Unless it shakes us up, is it even a change?

  17. You have penned it so beautifully. Have fallen for your words. Change is inevitable whether for good or bad the only constant in life.

  18. These are such beautiful lines you have written. You have a way with words. Appreciated.

  19. Change is the only constant thing in life and some changes are really needed to improve our life. With changes we come to know what is right and what is not right and needs to be replaced.

  20. Change is the only constant but as you said not all changes are noticeable but even the ones that are clearly visible are necessary for our growth. Lovely poem.

  21. This is an adorable poem. Change always fascinated me and true, change is the only constant in the universe.


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