Tuesday 31 July 2018

Poetry on Depression: An Expression less talked

Poetry on Depression - MeenalSonal

Am I so complex in expression?
Why do people always act in suspicion?

I am same soul with heavy heart,
which is drifted from you miles apart.

Come, listen to me, hold me tight;
I am too fragile and things not right.

I am in dark, show me little light;
be with me in intermixed emotional plight.

Yes, I am depression, less talked,
Discussed more and often laughed.

Monstrous in size though it looks,
but emerge as a fighter of hooks.

A calm demeanor adds courage,
letting go attitude shall surface.

Tattered thoughts just cannot withstand,
with positive hoot that all over rang.

Sharing this poetry with Mindlovemiserymenagerie - Sunday writing prompt -  Quotes, Indispire Edition #232 - Why talking about Depression is still stigma in our society & ABC Wednesday - Letter D - D for Depression.



  1. Replies
    1. If our writing can heal some one or atleast take someone to the ladder of hope, we will be happiest on the earth Roger. May writing have more powers to heal the world.

  2. Being / dealing with Bi-polar.. I all know to well how it feels… I am glad that this gets more and more public... so people who don't have it can learn to understand the stryggle lots of people have to give every waking second of their life

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Talking and expressing will surely relieve a person, hope this helps in this case too.

  3. I'm in dark. ... That's what the depressive is. Good lines given the theme.

    1. Thanks Tomichan, praise coming from you means a lot to us :)

  4. I think you have really captured the essence of this quote. I can also really relate this poem as I also struggle with depression and find intimacy to be very difficult even in regards to everyday social interactions


    1. Interaction and understanding the perspective will surely help you Amber to come out of it.

  5. Very well said Meenal! Depression is looked upon as a person with mental disorder. Everything can be healed when we express ourselves. Good one!

  6. I agree that depression and other mental issues are still a taboo subject and people often have a sense of hesitation while talking about it. I really like the poem. it has a true essence of all important aspects of depression.

  7. You have covered so well depression is what we most of them go through and yes it should spoken discussed with the one who is going through...

  8. This was such a true description of depression. It isn't taken seriously and often treated with contempt or as a laughing matter. Why be scared of it? It's natural.

  9. wow you nailed it ya..love the poem on depression..it hits you on the chord..great job and I just hope we talk about it more openly without creating a hue and cry

  10. Less talked and often laughed! Yes, depression is monstrous and needs acceptance as it's first step. Well vey written

  11. Very well expressed thoughts in this short poem. There are many people who still think that it's a topic not to be talked about openly and I don't understand why. Writing about it is a great way to spread awareness.

  12. I have seen my best friend suffer from depression and how hard it was for me to talk her out of it. It took time. Sometimes all one needs is a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to them .

  13. Another beautiful piece of write from you. I love how deep and unique the thought are in the poem.

  14. You have dived into the intricacies of life and feelings. Depression is always misunderstood. You have portrayed it for what it is❤

  15. Very beautifully written explaining what goes on behind a person's mind. Thank you for touching upon an important topic.

  16. Beautiful poem and you nailed it completely. The lines " I am in dark, show me little light;
    be with me in intermixed emotional plight" says it all. It impacts you so deep and hits your innermost chords.

  17. Each line took my heart and kept me thinking. it do require a lot of courage to come out and talk about things especially about depression. so sad that the society is still not open to accept such conversations and everyone still thinks a 100 times or more before coming out or still remain in dark. Kudos to you dear for such beautiful lines

  18. Depression or any mental issues for that matters not just need to be discussed but need to be addressed too. It might look big but if addressed timely can be get rid of quickly and easily.

  19. Depression is more common than we realise and about time people realised that it dark, sad and lonely. Such a beautiful way of explaining it.

  20. I have seen my mama in depression. He didn't even enjoy his son's wedding due to it. Until then I have never experienced it. Your poem and that illustration reminded me of that.

  21. Yes this is one of the most hidden subjects on earth maybe. So many people are going through depression and not able to handle it.


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