Wednesday 20 March 2024

Book Review: Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras by Daaji

In a world where only one thing is precious to a person, it is Happiness. Yes, in the materialistic world, Happiness, and eternal peace of mind are what we all long for in our lives. Today, we are sharing the book Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras, and Journey to Meditation, authored by Daaji.

Who is this book for?

Have you ever felt the urge to stay calm?

Do you look for Happiness after a hectic day?

Do you quest for the means of peace through various channels?

If you answered all three questions with a big YES, then you are on the right page to delve into a book review of Spiritual Anatomy.

Book Cover: The serene white background with an image of spiritual chakras drawn; this cover indeed draws the attention of any person interested in meditation and chakras.

What does the Spiritual Anatomy Book hold?

The book is rightfully divided into three sections: Read & Enjoy, Do & Feel, Meditate, and Transcend, which is again divided into parts two, three, and three, which are again distributed among chapters. Let us discuss each section one by one to get the concise essence of the book.

Read & Enjoy: This section is actually a guide to the book that helps you understand the importance of spiritual well-being as we emphasize physical and mental well-being. This section will make readers aware of the various reasons one should walk on the path of meditation and find peace. This section takes you towards the pathway of knowing your true potential.

Do & Feel: I enjoyed reading this section as I learned many secret ingredients of meditation and how one can power the mind. The book brilliantly explains how various chakras and our subconscious mind overlap and provides examples. I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Elephant and the Chair, which showcases how the mind is bound by preconditions, and we do not break them.

Meditate and Transcend: All the chakras are described with complete explanations and their relation to the person's traits. With diagrams, each step is clarified to readers, helping them practice it. Thorough guidance and practice are required, and author Daaji shares his assistance through the book and also through the app Heartfulness.

Why is Spiritual Anatomy a different Self-help book?

  • Chakras' description with day-to-day examples is the best part of the book.
  • Small chapters ensure the book holds you tightly; read a chapter a day and then let it absorb you. This is how self-help books actually work well.
  • The author has simplified the complex process in this book and takes you a step closer to Heartfulness.
  • The chapters' self-reflection and ASK Daaji sections help readers understand the true meaning of chakras and meditation in a simplified manner.
  • The conversational approach in this self-help book kept me tightly hooked on the book.
  • Daaji's experience is reflected in each section, as well as his journey to awakening.

About Author:

Daaji, also known as Kamlesh D. Patel, is the fourth and current spiritual guide of the global Heartfulness movement. He has spent the past four decades training people across the globe in Heartfulness meditation. He authorizes numerous books, including Designing Destiny and USA Today's bestseller The Heartfulness Way. He gives keynote addresses at conferences and conducts workshops around the world. His passion lies in grassroots efforts, especially in meditation to India's villages. Daaji enjoys nature walks with his grandchildren in Kanha Shanti Vanam, India, where he lives with his family.

Book Details:

Book Name: Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras and Journey to Meditation

Author: Daaji, Kamlesh D.Patel

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers India

Pages: 257 excluding glossary

Availability: All leading bookstores & Amazon


If the above book review compels you to view the book details, you will surely enjoy reading book reviews here.

This blog post is part of the Bookchatter Book Review program by Blogchatter.





  1. Proteins really are the building blocks of life! Understanding how they contribute to muscle and tissue growth sheds light on their crucial role in our bodies.

  2. I got the opportunity to read and review the book "Spiritual Anatomy". I think it is a very helpful book for a calm and motivated life journey.

  3. I had the good fortune to read and review this book -Spiritual Anatomy and I can say that you have captured the essence of the book beautifully in this post. I found it a helpful book for seekers of peace and positivity.

  4. This seems a very to the point book. I have experienced the power of meditation. When we talk about topics like spirituality, meditation, I like to understand it thgrouth day today examples and conversational approach. I think I will like this book.

  5. Happiness and peace are something that people chase their entire lives, without realizing that these are within themselves. This Spiritual Anatomy book seems to be a great guide for those interested in exploring the frontiers of the mind and attaining peace and happiness in their lives.

  6. This is a uncharted terrain for me, as I have never read anything like this before, nor read about chakras, but my bestie is a strong believer in the same. I will share about this book with her.

  7. I have heard of Daaji and have been wanting to read his books. This one sounds like a good place to begin.

  8. The Chakras are really intriguing for me. Meditation has such a beatuful calming power specially when there's too much going on and you want to quieten up. This sounds like a good self help book.


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