Sunday 10 March 2024

Another Charm in a Swarm: ShortStory #StorytellersBloghop

Sneha peeped outside the window fitted with rusted rods running horizontally across its width. She saw a little girl holding her mother's hand, heading very fast towards the other end. "She seems new to this place," thought Sneha.

"Sneha, it's your turn now. Take this bag, and don't return it until it's full. Be careful with the station master." shouted a shrill voice. Once again, it's a new search, a search for little things from a hullabaloo of things lying hither and thither. 

Sneha, a little one of 9 years old, was left on the railway platform 2 years ago. Her caretaker always forced her to extend her limits. She has targets to meet, and the food she got depended on her search. Luck is not easy, though; extreme searches were her fate. She heard the cries of the baby beside a railway station drinking water tap. Nobody knew who left her there and where she came from. But Sneha recognized her as she saw her running behind her mother an hour ago. She thought, "Another little one abandoned by her family. I hope her luck takes her in good hands." 

Sneha swiftly ran towards the girl to find out what the matter was. Her pretty pink frock adorned with rough dirt patches looked as though the girl came from a decent family. Is she from a family living in those high risers, or may she have worn a gifted frock? Sneha thought, scanning the girl from top to bottom. 

Shall I extend my boundary and ask the little one mother not to make this grave mistake? But the thought of Hari shook her up. Hari, the devil in his life, made kids work for hours in the day and laborers at night, giving hardly any sleeping hours for little souls. Hari was a scruffy man who could hardly reach the drinking tap mounted on the platform. His blood-red, watchful eyes were set in deep sockets as though he hadn't slept for many nights. He literally walked with a leg he could barely sense and living in a small tent, his chapri rumbled each time a train passed by. But he had a strong network of boys who would capture kids trying to escape his seize.

The little girl's cry brought Sneha to reality: "Oh my god, help me decide. Shall I run behind her mother and take the risk of three days without food or just let her cry? Hari will anyway get her to their captive in some time, as nothing is missed from his eyes. 

With her heart pounding, Sneha made a swift decision. She couldn't let another innocent soul suffer the same fate she did. Ignoring the risk of encountering Hari, she rushed towards the little girl's mother and the girl.

"Excuse me," Sneha said, panting slightly as she caught up with her. "Please, you have to listen to me. Don't trust anyone here, especially not Hari. He's dangerous."

The woman looked at Sneha with a mixture of surprise and suspicion, but Sneha's urgency and sincerity broke through her doubt. She listened intently as Sneha recounted her harrowing experience and warned them of the dangers lurking in the shadows of the railway station.

Moved by Sneha's bravery and compassion, the woman realized her mistake and promised to keep her daughter safe. With a grateful nod, Sneha hurried away, her determination renewed.

As she continued her search, Sneha kept her eyes peeled for any signs of other girls in distress. And she found them. One by one, she reached out to them, offering comfort, guidance, and a glimmer of hope in another vicinity as she crossed for the first time with courage.

But her mission had its challenges. Hari's presence loomed like a dark cloud over the station, his watchful eyes constantly searching for his next victim. Yet Sneha refused to be intimidated. With each confrontation, she grew bolder and fiercer, channeling a strength she never knew she had.

Finally, the day came when Sneha had gathered enough evidence to bring down Hari and his criminal network. While picking litter, she one day found a card of the inspector of a nearby police station. With the help of local authorities and the support of the community, she orchestrated a daring rescue operation that freed not only herself but all the girls held captive under Hari's tyranny.

As the dust settled and the sun rose on a new day, Sneha stood tall, her eyes blazing with determination. Hari looked on in disbelief, stunned by the ferocious avatar of the girl he once thought he could control.

In that moment, Sneha was more than just a survivor. She was a warrior, a symbol of resilience and hope. As she walked away from the railway station, her head held high, she knew that her journey was far from over. But with each step forward, she carried with her the knowledge that she was capable of anything, that no challenge was too great, and that she would always fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves.

This story is a part of #Storytellersbloghop season 4 that we co-hosted with our dear friend Ujjwal Mishra


  1. Kudos to Sneha. I really wish and hope there will be many such Sneha who can make the right decision. Courage is not about how you have saved yourself but when you can think of others above your own misery and sufferings, thats where change happens.

    1. True Alpana...a real hero is someone who think for others equally.

  2. A sad reality but a confident story. It is absolutely not tolerable to discard children but your story gives a ray of hope.

    1. It is very heartbreaking to see many such young kids abandoned by their families.

  3. What a brave little girl Sneha is. I have been to orphanages and railway rescue centres, and have seen the plight of these children. It's truly sad to see the state of affairs. If only, more Sneha's come into the world, it would be more flowers than thorns.

    1. A little courage can do wonders.... but sadly, most of the times kids cannot come out of this quagmire.

  4. When a woman fights all along her life and builds her own empire, she becomes an epitome of resilience and perseverance. Reading your story itself brings us hope and power of womanhood. - Swarnali Nath

    1. Sometimes just a ray of light is enough to dispel the darkness, and Sneha is just that ray of light.

  5. MeenalSonal, your story is a powerful portrayal of resilience, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young girl facing adversity. The story depicts the harsh realities of life on the railway platform and the dangers lurking in the shadows, while also highlighting the protagonist's unwavering determination to protect others and seek justice. As authors you both adeptly captured Sneha's inner turmoil as she grapples with the decision to intervene and the risks involved in confronting Hari. Sneha's selflessness and bravery shine through as she takes action to prevent another innocent soul from suffering the same fate she endured.

    The story is not only a testament to Sneha's strength and resilience but also a reminder of the power of compassion and community support in overcoming challenges. You effectively conveyed the message that even in the darkest of times, there is hope, and that one person's courage can make a profound difference in the lives of others. Overall, the story is both gripping and inspiring, leaving readers with a sense of admiration for the protagonist's bravery and a renewed belief in the capacity for positive change in the face of adversity. I am reading stories from your end for the first time and honestly you impressed me and won my heart. Keep inking and keep inspiring.

  6. That was an excellent take, a girl hero beating all odds, among them her villainous caretaker. She is not whispering but taking a heroic action. It has a fantastic narrative style and a theme.

    1. The little whispers convert into ferocious roar when limit cross.

  7. Kudos to Sneha who did the right deed inspite of knowing the repercussions. We need such brave women who protect and save other women, I stead of demeaning or bringing them down. Hats off to her courage in getting Hari arrested and freeing so many innocent lives.

    1. Definitely a change can happen when a charm like Sneha emerges from these deadly swarms.

  8. Sneha represents a girl who is ready to take risks to bring about big changes. Not all have the courage to fight the criminal people. My salute to such bravery and fearlessness.

    1. Those who undergo such suffering can only stop others from walking on the similar path of ordeal.

  9. I am taken a back such a courageous story of hope, strength and resilence. Dear host and dearest friend I am spell bound by the bravery in your words by the way. 👌👌👌👌

  10. I was totally captivated reading your story. Thanks for the effort of organising a blog hop - keeping story telling alive.
    Thanks dear

    1. Story telling is a powerful creativity and so we thought that this is a great way to learn through each other.

  11. This story reminds me of a jingle - 'darr ke aage jeet hai', this is a perfect representation of the same. Sneha was brave from the beginning, she just needed the right nudge. Beautifully penned story, and also, thank you for this blog hop.

    1. Here comes one more - 'jo darr gaya woh marr gaya'

  12. Spoke chilling start of the story, but you beautifully weaved the story of hope, courage and a warrior spirit girl for whom sky is the limit.

  13. Spine chilling start of the story, but you beautifully weaved the story of hope, courage and a warrior spirit girl for whom sky is the limit.

    1. One can overcome any obstacle with courage and resilience.

  14. I was truly moved by your bravery, Sneha. Despite the risks, you chose to speak up and protect that little girl. Your courage and compassion are truly inspiring. I felt your fear and determination as you faced Hari, but you never backed down. Your actions saved not only yourself but also all those other girls. You showed incredible strength and resilience. You're a true hero, Sneha.

    1. People who persevere through adversity can only understand the value of life.

  15. These rackets are very scary, I never understand how people can leave kids like this. I know it is a fiction, but Sneha is going to stay with me forever, we need many such courageous Sneha's to put an end to this. what can I say about your encapsulation and narration, and bringing out such high intensity emotions all together in a short story. Its an honor to host the #storytellersbloghop with you guys year on year!

    1. It is equally delightful to host the blog hop with you Ujjwal. Thank you for your kind words.

  16. Sneha represents all girls who are fearless, witty, ferocious and mature enough facing the challenges feared by many. She acts as a beacon of hope for all girls who could not collect enough courage and bravery to fight the wrong doers. Well penned.

    1. Sometimes just a ray of light is enough to dispel the darkness, and Sneha is just that ray of light.


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