Wednesday 31 January 2024

2024 Reading Challenge & Book Recommendations

Reading books is like a meal; our day continues unless we read a chapter or two. Last year, we read 40-plus books and reviewed 26 of them. This year, we are also taking up the Blogchatter TBR Challenge to document the number of books we read. 

What's different in Book Reviews at AuraOfThoughts

Exploring Genres

This year, we are focused on exploring more genres than our comfort and shall include Booker Prize, debut authors, and regional books. This challenge shall bring us closer to more perspectives.

Book Reviews with a Blink

We all agree that you must decide on a book as soon as possible. We are coming up with Book Review Images that will highlight all the main pointers on a book in a single image, so the readers who are running short of time and do not wish to read 400-word reviews are going to be lucky.

Small Target

We are taking the challenge of 30 books this year and reviewing each on the blog to document the process. Last year, we read many books but could not document each on the Blogchatters list. 

How to Ace Book Reading Challenge

If you wish to know how to ace Reading Challenges, then you can read our post, Upscale your reading & Grow with #TBRChallenge 

Manifestations work well for books, too; if you seek to learn, then books do follow you. Here are a few Smart Tips to complete reading challenges like a pro

Blogchatter has created a board to help you focus on your reading goal.

Book Reading Quotes

If you are still looking for reading motivation, these quotes will help you pick a book.

Reading is an art and so is absorbing the book.

Let your mind travel and body remain in this world.

The only way to escape this world is to pick a book.

Reading can make you forget your to-do list.

You can always check our book recommendations here for the year as we are taking up Blogchatter #TBRChallenge 

1 comment:

  1. The quotes in the end for book lovers are motivating and I also love the book review in a blink concept. Even I have taken a small target this year. much smaller than yours.All the best for 2024 book reading journey.


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