Friday 22 April 2016

IPL - I Pledge to Love Mother Earth : Poetry for Kids on Earth Day

Nature has bestowed selflessly many things for us; it is our duty to channelize the real nature's treasure in efficiently.
The younger generation needs to understand the importance and values for preserving the environment. 

Our mother earth is a treasure trove of incredible things that selflessly pour their benefits for all of us. It's time to show our gratitude towards nature by contributing our bit. Involving the younger generation in this virtue is very important to make them understand the worthiness of resource conservation. It is our bit in the form of poetry for kids on Earth Hour to contemplate the entire scenario in a the form that will be enjoyed by them and would leave an impact on their innocent minds.

Poetry for kids- Earth Day Poetry - AuraOfThoughts

Here is a short poetry to make the kids better understand the importance of preserving the nature.

 Don't cut trees ,as they give fresh breeze,
Plant more for reducing worries.

Save energy,save earth,
 it is surely a big worth.

 In earth hour switch off lights,
 to save future from fright.

 Many countries join for a reason,
 for dear earth in unison.

 If each one does their bit,
 then this day will be hit.

Together we can save magnificently,
 then use the remaining efficiently.

Importance of Earth- Explaining it to kids-AuraOfThoights
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Love thy mother nature.....hug her tight as she needs kind support of little hands to flourish and bloom. Celebrate this Earth Day with younger one's for imbibing values, for more ideas look into our one of the post on Earth Hour.

Earth day - Aura of thoughts
@ Meenal


  1. I am a huge Nature fan and your post made me so happy today. Our Earth is healing at this moment and we have to be patient at this stage.

  2. This is a beautiful poetic wish dedicated to the our Loving Mother Earth, also commendable that you used very simple language that can be understood by young children and thus they can appreciate the importance of conserving our planet better.

  3. Kids nowadays are smart and understand the part we can play in preserving our nature. This is a lovely poem and will motivate many to take up this cause.

  4. A beautiful poetic way of making understand the preserving of nature. Will surely share it with my child. In today's time, need for preserving of nature is one of the most important part and by doing a small bit from our side and also passing on the same habit to the younger ones is a small contribution to it.

  5. Mother Earth gives us so much, and we take and keep on taking. Time to give back, so that we leave it better for our children.

  6. Wow that is awesome poetry with so much love for motherearth. It's r explained in such nice and simple words that can be easily understand by kids

  7. This is a great poetic tribute to mother nature. In fact as we sit in lockdown we need to contemplate a better sustainable life that is one with nature.

  8. this earth day earth must have ben really happy because it looks so healed, these are beautiful lines you have written on our mother earth. hope we can keep it healthy and happy forever.

  9. I so loved each and every word that you used in this write up. We all need to be careful and handle nature well because we have to live on this earth.


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