Thursday 31 August 2017

Open Letter to Friend who turned Stranger

How would you feel when one of your close friend turn in to stranger. We have expressed feelings on this subject in an open letter.

Friend Stranger Emotion - MeenalSonal

You were mine all along
With you I crossed many milestones
With you I always felt strong
Now no path to be shown.

You grew with me tiny tender to tough
My friend with you every vital step I took
But alas you don’t look the same stuff
Weathering with time changed your look

Why you can’t be rigid forever
Do you really need a pause or complete stay?
I can’t carry you in such state
Gear up dear together we need to fly away.

With respect I bid you goodbye
A friend to stranger you now sight
Oh! Dear Shoe you seem now a different guy
Alas you left me with time.

Poem on Shoe - MeenalSonal


Thursday 24 August 2017

5 Reasons why kids love Lord Ganesha the most

Ganesh Chaturti is approaching and we know how everybody waits for this occasion. Festive mood is all set in the people as this festival is celebrated over a period of 11 days. The aura and presence of “Vighanaharta” is so large that kids love him to the core. So why Lord Ganesha is so popular among kids.

1.     Cute looking Lord:  
Yes Lord Ganesha with a huge tummy and being elephant headed is so charming that kids can’t stop adoring his features.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Mammoth Failure vs Undying Spirit : Coping in Floods

A person can face huge crisis situation very easily only when he is buckled up with fighting spirit and determination to sail through it. We all need encouragement and the will power at the same time to fight the difficult time. Natural calamities can be faced with preparedness and looking forward to the time with undying spirit. 

This poetry teaches us how a person can win with high spirits and cope up mammoth situations.

High Spirit Poem - MeenalSonal

When you come in abundance,
you create irreparable nuisance.

Once where life was a smooth instance,
you didn’t give time or second chance.

And when you came things shattered,
few lost life and many battled.

You tried hard to carry away all,
but I held my nerve that stood tall.

Floods, you maybe mammoth & created a loss,
except my brave soul which knows hurdles to cross .

Why nature tests human’s trait,
we are just your own portrait.

Don’t show us your other side mother nature,
your calmness is a blessing to every tiny creature.

India recently experienced flood situations in few states, but the undying spirit of a person that keeps them go leaving behind marks of tragedy.

This is the top post on Indiblogger :)
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Sunday 6 August 2017

Micronutrient Deficiency: Your child is eating, but is he or she eating right?

Am I doing it right while selecting fruits?
Is my child getting enough nutrients and vitamins through vegetables?
Which oil and flour is best for my child?
Is my plateful of nutrients suppressing the micronureients hunger?
Why my child growth is under average?
What if I am not providing healthy meals?

Aren’t all these questions seems so relevant to us, but we many times get tangles in myths of deficiency and nutrients, this post shall surely clear few of them.