Sunday 14 March 2021

Why inculcate Environment awareness in Children

Environment and its uses are exposed to the children from an early age at the same time we also need to make children understand the awareness of the factors that are causing harm to the environment. 

Kids Environment awareness - MeenalSonal

Why inculcate Environment Awareness 

Children are the torch bearers of the future plus they are the ones who can bring in change along their growing years.

Childhood habits create a great impact in life additionally kids with the proper understanding of the environment will make the future manufacturing of the products in a manner that minimizes the harm to the environment. Can you imagine a world with environment-friendly products? If you are nodding in doubt then let us say that this can be a reality soon if we cultivate habits that are environment friendly in our children. 

The below pointers will help parents and educators to inculcate Environment awareness and the practices that can be followed for the betterment of the Environment.

1. Educating children about the adverse conditions of the Environment: 

Children need to know the true picture of the environment and how day by day it is getting depraved with time. The increasing horizon of children by facing the facts can make them understand the efforts people are taking to save the environment. For example, a single pine tree around 40-45feet is required to make a notebook of 60-80 pages. When kids know the effort that goes into making a single notebook or an effort to raise a tree then children make use of the notebook very well and make sure no page is wasted additionally they also take care of the plants and trees in their home and around in the society.

2. Developing Empathy towards the Environment:

Once the facts are known to the kids they turn empathetic towards the environment and become proactive towards learning to protect it in small terms. Talks around the ways to conserve the environment and the ways children can contribute towards the betterment of the surroundings can be discussed with them. Kids have a strong will to understand the things around them and it is the parent's and educator's duty to explain the things in a certain manner so that in the future these kids become the savior of the environment and are well-known about the adverse effects if the environment is harmed.

3. Action plan according to age:

The next steps in environmental awareness are to give kids few tasks that show the result. A simple task of switching off the fan and lights while leaving the room can help them measure the number of units they are saving in electricity bills, which in turn helps in saving the environment. This task can be done by as young as 4 years old. For kids age 10 -15, they can learn the ways how things can be recycled and be re-used again that enhances their creativity and by doing so they are contributing towards the betterment of society.

Futuristic Children - MeenalSonal

4. Practicing habits that are pro-environment:

The tasks discussed in the action plan are not a single day task but it needs to be developed as a habit. Practicing such habits on regular basis makes children understand that it is a lifelong process to save the environment that cannot be achieved overnight. Parents can help a child raise a plant from the start by sowing the seed, watering plants daily, raising a plant by taking care of it. By gardening, kids witness the efforts that are invested to raise a plant and such empathetic kids will never pull even a bush in the society gardens or parks.

5. Celebrating days that are related to Environment: 

Celebrations mark the importance of such days in our life. Celebrating days dedicated to the environment is a gentle reminder of our duty to protect the environment and at the same time, it is the time we take a pledge to serve the environment with all our efforts. Days like Vanmohtsav, World Environment Day make children enthusiastic towards the environment and such high spirits need conversion in form of habits. 

6. Educating about the initiatives taken by kids for a safe environment:

Age cannot be the factor for anyone to work towards the environment. Few Child environmentalists have raised their voice towards the betterment of the environment and how their little efforts made a difference. For example how Aditya Mukarji age 15 educated people around to use non-plastic straws and environment-friendly straws in daily life and restaurants around. He works on how people can have alternatives to plastic. He also attended UN Youth Climate Action Summit to protect the climate.

These pointers can help raise a child that is on the side of saving the environment and learning ways to protect it in day-to-day activities. We all are aware of the habits that are inculcated in childhood then it’s become human’s nature to practice it. 

This post is part of  Blogchatter's #CauseAChatter, where we have selected topic #EnvironmentalTalks to raise a voice in support of this cause. You can read our and fellow blogger's thoughts on this topic here. Last year we selected topic #EducationForAll for the #CauseAChatter. Writing for a cause reflects our responsibility as a Blogger to bring awareness about certain topics in simplest manner to all the readers.


  1. Yes. We must get kids involved in small stuff like gardening at home, waste management and composting apart from what school teach them. Great points you have highlighted.
    - Ujjwal Mishra MywordsMywisdom

  2. What is inculcated in childhood becomes an easy lifestyle for them as they grow up and we ultimately raise environmentally conscious kids.

  3. Teaching kids by role modeling is the best way. Being empathetic towards our environment is a much needed trait we need to develop in our kids.Telling them how we can recycle things or by giving them example as you have also mentioned about the 40-45feet is required to make a notebook of 60-80 pages. Such numbers make the picture clear in kid's mind.

  4. We can never stress enough the need for making our children aware of the need to conserve and save our planet,after all it is their heritage to utilize and cherish.

  5. Yes totally agree with you on this, we can teach kids in small small ways and teaching them about environment is really important as they learn to save environment

    1. Knowing the adverse condition of the environment, kids to turn empathetic towards it and start taking care of it.

  6. Kids are our future, and alongwith them every one need to understand the value of environment. I am happy you shared this and feel proud that my kids are learning how to love nature and environment.

    1. Good to know Ruchi, your kids are learning ways to love nature and protect the environment.

  7. I feel we need to go one step ahead and instead of just teaching we should make them do it.. Get into application knowledge and show them the infact. Great post.

    1. Application method only works effectively when the reasoning of task is done well, so the first step has to be sharing with children the reasons for the steps taken to safeguard the environment.

  8. Kids learn Easley when they see things around them is interesting and which is more easy for them good to go post thank you for sharing ❤ and it's wonderful idea to teach kids to make use of even waste.

    1. Making kids learn about the waste management is the primary task of the educators.

  9. This post is such a need of the hour buddy. I cant agree more with you and was nodding my head in agreement throughout

  10. Responsibility towards environment from a young age is a great way to make our kids love and respect nature. These are some great points! We must lead by example.

  11. future of our environment is highly dependent on future generation. so, as a parent and educator, it is very important for us to taught our kids to how to save environment. like you, I also strongly believe in practicing environment pro habits since at early age. every big change starts from a small step. if kids learn that kinds of habits at small age, it could create a major difference for our environment.

  12. We should definitely teach our kids show empathy towards nature, and the best way is to lead by example. Its a nice read

  13. Yes we do some gardening and my kids love to see how plants grow when they are taken care of. It's true that we should inculcate these good habits in our kids.

  14. Teach kids from am early age about the environment and why we need to take care of it is very important to make them value it as they grow. I have taught my kids not to keep the water running and wasting it and also not to throw rubbish on the road and they follow it very well.

  15. It is indeed our responsibility to teach our kids how to contribute to the environment. This is only possible if we inculcate the same in every day teachings.

  16. This is the need of the hour and indeed our responsibility to make sure that our next generation understand the ways to be environment friendly. These are some valid points and a must to teach our kids about this :)

  17. Very important post for all new-age parents as early year's of child are the best years to inculcate good habits and make them conscious about their surroundings .

  18. With the way our environment is getting harmed by the day we need to teach the future generations about the environment and role it plays and how its important to protect it.

  19. I totally agree with you on this, we must inculcate these in our kids. I have done it, my son now loves gardening, watering the plants. It is one good habit we must inculcate.

  20. Our future generations should aware about the importance of nature and environment. We should teach them since early age and involve them as well.

  21. Wow, this is a brilliantly written post MeenalSonal. I agree, our kids must be taught the importance of environment, the need to protect and preserve it. Alongwith that various nature camps or drives should be encouraged by the parents and school.


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