Sunday 31 May 2020

7 reasons to add Moral Education period in Schools : #EducationForAll #CauseAChatter

We have always heard about how education is very important aspect of life. You can refer our previous posts to know how education helps and has importance in us in various walks of life. Knowledge of subjects and its application does complete our education at certain level or is there something else that is being not focussed. Is there an area of development of child that is being completely neglected. Let us say for example a Robotic Engineer will have all the learnings about the design, the AI systems and physics involved in building a robot so, we can say engineer is a well-educated successful person. 


But can we also assume that this robotic engineer also has qualities like responsible, sensible, open minded and good human being. No we cannot, for that we also need moral education to be part of our education system.


Schools in the rush to complete huge syllabus and focussing on sports and extra co-curricular activities the exclusive moral science period is not added in curriculum. And due to this there are many situations in life where a topper student also fail to understand simple or sometimes misses to understand basic human behavioural traits.


Why Moral Education is important:


The overall development as a human being requires incorporating moral values along with subjective know how. The root of these values should be started when young for a complete development of the mindset. The academic lessons at school though incorporate many chapters based on value education but the need is to reinstate moral science as a separate period which is being side-lined in many curriculum these days.


Not only at a very young level but this moral education is very much required at every stage of life. Teenagers also sometimes fall prey to many problems and take up extreme steps as they cannot handle things. To prevent all this a complete development as a human being is the necessity of the hour.


What does Value Education focus on:


Let us understand the 7 different ways where moral values can be a life changer.

Importance of moral science period in schools- MeenalSonal


1. Stress Management:


STRESS is the most common word we hear these days and even very young kids are not spared. Pressure of performance and expectation’s leaves the child in a turmoil. Here moral value mends the tender mind to think in a different manner whereby they learn to help each other and move forward.


There is also work pressure among the young entrepreneurs leading to life style imbalance. Not only at school level but at college level also students should be taught to handle pressure and practise healthy competition. 


2. Fight against failures:


These days nobody wants to hear that they are incompetent for something. Being incapable for some task doesn’t mean a complete failure.


FAILURE is a negative word that comes with all negativity. But moral education does not look at it like this though. It is indeed very positive and inspiring word. Moral value teaches how to handle failures and how these mistakes can be a stepping stone for further refinement of our weak areas to emerge out as a winner next time.


3. Learning to Conduct self in Life

Life shows us many paths to walk on and on that paths we meet numerous people of varied generations and of different backgrounds. One should know how one should conduct themselves in all situations. A person is truly a winner of he can express his mind without doing the damage to another. Behavioural skills are vital aspect and that can be gained through moral education and the stories and discussion on characters of same. By this students focusses on the situation and their thinking capability increases and also they value the importance of others perspective in life.


4. Time management

Time management learned at early stages lays a strong foundation in managing it. Not only in studies a person with his self-discipline but also can make huge changes to self and organisation. Time management is setting the priorities right and for setting the priorities, person should be well versed with one’s requirements and for that a person should in turn have a clear thought process. Moral learnings helps children to set their priorities right and make best use of each hour they have.


5. Practical approach of life

Knowledge and wisdom are two sides of a coin, one is incomplete without another. And so is the practical approach of life is also learnt through time with many lessons through the path. Wisdom is our ability to judge what is right or wrong, our common sense, our course of action taken according to situations, foresightedness, understanding and intelligence. Why we need schools or colleges or universities? The lessons which are taught in school are also available online. Its true we can learn basic facts and gain the knowledge about anything we want; But we will not find that love, dedication and faith of our mentors, their valuable advices, their prized experiences shared, their appreciation which builds our confidence which is priceless and couldn’t be learnt through those gadgets.

6. Gratitude towards others

Moral values shapes ones personality and character which reflects in ones deeds. Showing gratitude, love, respect makes an individual a fine human being and these values travel throughout life be it personal or professional front. Moral education trains the mind that how being humble and thankful can make a lot of difference in life and how a single change can make a huge difference in another person’s life.


7. Learning through Examples

Looking for an inspiration, and getting creative with it is nothing wrong, but are we looking in our brain, maybe one has more potential than simple ideas expressed in internet, maybe your initiative is chain breaker of all the rest. “The fabled musk deer searches the world for the source of scent which comes from itself” – Ramakrishna. Hope we don’t become like deer, which searches in whole world but the things are finally within self. Never underestimate yourself; give wings to your imagination, then see up in the sky how far it goes. Examples of person and their life not only tell us how to be success but also teach us how to deal with failures.


Thus, moral education is that important chapter of life that shapes, refines, moulds personality to reach heights with pride. This post is a part of series #EducationForAll for #CauseAChatter initiated by Blogchatter. You can have look at all the posts in this series here.



  1. I totally agree. Moral education is important not just for young children but also for teenagers and adults alike. The stress levels and time management issues are felt by every age group!

    1. Absolutely moral education is must for every age group

  2. Totally that should be included to hae moral education imparting these values in kids right from early age. Love the thought

  3. These are very important concepts in life and I think as you said it is high time it is included in our education. These morals when embedded at an early age makes very beautiful people.

    1. Beautiful people inside out if we have moral values.

  4. I completely agree with you that moral education is what is needed very much in these times.

    A definite eye opener for many parents.

  5. Very important topic in Education, moral education unfortunately loosing it's interest but it's one of the practical and important topic to cover

    1. Yes Rituka, educational institutions needs to ponder on this area too.

  6. You are right Moral science should be included as subject in schools now. Students are lacking so much these days when it comes to moral knowledge. Indeed, a good topic to discuss.

    1. Students are unaware of any such topic, that is more reason to add it to the curriculum.

  7. When i was studying we did have moral lectures twice a week, but yes haven't noticed that in my daughters school schedule.. It sure will be a positive reinforce during the growing up years.

    1. Yes, even we had it but now it is completely miss in the school subjects.

  8. A very nice article dear. Dealing with your failures and learn from your mistakes is the most important thing for successful and tension free life. Moral values are the basic foundation of life. I think this article is apt for every age group.

    1. Learning from life examples and stories is so much important and yes each age group should have life skills classes.

  9. I remember when I was in school, we had moral science as a full fledged subject till 5th standard. There was a full period dedicated to this subject. Many schools still have it. However, the subject is now being ignored sadly. Thanks for pointing this out.

    1. Surbhi, happy to know that few schools still have but majorly all schools are giving it a miss conveniently

  10. I totally agree with you on starting moral education classes in school. I remember we used to have moral education classes in our school. I did not understand its value then, but now I do. At that time, those classes were story time for us.

    1. We do had it Amrita, and we still value that classes.

  11. This is a really good post... We had moral education as a subject in our primary school and to be honest, i still remember a few chapters which struck me at that time... It's important!

    1. Few stories and incidents are with us for life and we can relate to others based on that, we had till higher classes too, atleast once in 2 weeks.

  12. In today's time, when we talk of morality in our society, it is important to teach children the value of morals from a young age. I have two kids and I teach them the value of righteousness, truthfulness, and honesty. I don't tell them to be successful always; rather I tell them to taste failure and keep trying until you succeed. Children learn the valuable lessons of what's right or wrong quickly through real-life scenarios.

    1. Thats a good parenting mantra Rahul, glad you are following a righteous path.

  13. I think education is the main base of making a decision, because. If you are not educated in a proper way it will be hard to make meaningful progressive decision .

    1. Wonderful thought Alexx, decision making changes the way our life shapes, so it is utmost important to be educated morally.

  14. Manisha - A very though over post Meenal. These aspects are a must to teach because that will form a critical part of our personality.

  15. Very important topic in Education, moral education unfortunately loosing it's interest but its important for our life goal. Thanks for sharing.


  16. Unknown2 June 2020 at 06:02
    I completely agree with you that moral education is what is needed very much in these times.

  17. Thanks for taking out time to write about such an important topic. Moral education should be given utmost importance and it should be a part of school syllabus. And teachers should be able to make students understand the need of that in their life. It should not remain just in theory.

  18. Yes, moral education is must. School mainly focus on academics but building a strong characters is way more important in real life. With knowledge if someone has self control, awareness about others, understanding of situation, visualization then that makes a complete personality.

  19. I went to a convent school and we had a class period once a week called Moral Science. Of course we were least interested in concentrating on what was being taught to us then, but somewhere we did imbibe the lessons as all the things we learnt come back to me when certain incidents happen.

  20. Wow this is something we should have had when we were kids. I could benefit from learning from mistakes and time management. I could have been an author today perhaps.

  21. You point out the reason to include moral science in curriculum so well. The subject was largely neglected even during my schooling time, now it's completely neglected.

  22. A very nice post and i too agree with adding moral education subject. I asked my daughter's school to think about it. Thanks for giving more points to emphasize on my view

  23. I completely agree with you. I remember, we use to have this subject Moral science back in 5th or 6th grade but no one paid much heed to it as it was an extra subject with no exams per se. We have to teach our kids these all these points that you mentioned in order to help them live happily and successful.

  24. I completely agree with you and indeed moral education should be a part of our education system. especially when during recent times, when stress level is so high, kids need to learn this manage effectively since at early age.

  25. Parents may teach kids morals but when they learn them from their teachers and with their friends the effect might be lot more. It prepares kids on how to conduct themselves as they grow up.

  26. Moral education is very important for a good understanding of how the world works,good bad and ugly.I agree that schools need to.focus on it.

  27. So true, we need to focus on value education in kids. With my son's online schooling we came across what they learn during this moral class period and the conclusion we came to was 'this is real education'.

    -Ujjwal Mishra Mywordsmywisdom

  28. Moral education is the need of the hour in today's time. Younger minds are easy to mould hence the best time to inculcate values.All the schools should have a moral science period. We had it in our school and it helps to inculcate right values.

  29. Totally agree. I have worked in schools and taught moral/value education too. As you said it's imp to include this in the curriculum and equally imp to train the teachers on how to teach this in most practical and efficient ways.

  30. I agree with all the reasons you stated. But i feel most strongly about stress management. That is the biggest reason that moral education should be given importance.

  31. Hailing from a convent school I can truly understand how important incorporating morel science with other school subjects is. I think gratitude is the major takeaway that needs to be learnt in these classes.

  32. I totally agree with you about including moral education as a part of our education system. I can never understand how the schools set the curriculum and why do they exclude such important subjects like moral education which are so important in today's time & a must to inculcate moral values in kids.

  33. It's very imporatant to add Moral education ...I remember in our school also we used to have Moral science classes and I still remember stories which have added values in my real life!!

  34. moral stories, moral education is really important for small kids and should be introduced early in life - it builds character of kids

  35. You are right, moral education moulds and shapes personality and inculcate values which as so important in these times

  36. Can I agree more with you dear, this is such a valuable post and a must read for everyone. I was nodding at all your points.


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