Friday 26 April 2019

W - WAVES - Lessons from #NatureRepository

In our 23rd post for the series in #NatureRepository for #AtoZChallenge & #BlogchatterA2Z we have come up with Waves for letter W. Waves has astounding energy and power. Don’t believe it; take a look at the video which was shot by me last year at Kochi Fort, Kerela in India.

The sound of waves is so energetic, that I was forced to capture it for my future bundle of motivation. Waves have a special quality in them they keep on going. Yes 24*7 the waves keep rising keeps lowering but surely they are continuous.

Waves Magic - AuraOfThoughts

We all are working towards our life goals be it personal or professional; we all are running towards it. But if in between you feel low of energy or motivation then remember the waves, which not even take a pause. Calmness is at the center of the ocean and waves make sounds at the edge. Similarly our mind and heart are center point that needs to be composed but our daily tiny actions should work towards the accomplishment of the ambition.

Bo Jackson says it all in this quote “Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.” Even if it a small step do take it but don’t stop in the middle of a task. Keep working bit by bit, end of the task will be nearer and of course merrier too. Keep the waves as your inspiration to be consistent in life.

Do waves inspire you to look forward?
Can you be consistent in your steps towards goals?
What keeps you motivated to work towards your objectives?

Share your thoughts with us in comments section below.
Also if you are a nature curator then you are also one among us as we Meenal & Sonal are, nature lovers and observers too. So this year we have come up with theme #NatureRepository for #AtoZChallenge & #BlogchatterA2Z.

You will find Nature lessons with each alphabet through out April here



  1. I really agree so much as for me I always feel waves do inspire a lot in every situation of life!!

  2. Loved your perspective about waves and I agree that waves inspired us to move towards our goals without stopping. for me, its my family that always motivated me to achieve my goals with hard work and dedication.

  3. Yes buddy waves teach us to keep trying and trying until you succeed, loved your post

  4. Love how you have related the calmness of sea at the center with our heart & mind and the continuous waves to our daily actions. Waves have always inspired me to keep going no matter what.

  5. Very well thought and nicely penned post. Certainly showing a lot of positivity and calmness through the use of word waves... Loved reading it. Deepa Jaisingh

  6. Nature teaches us a lot and waves in particular inspires us to always move forward to achieve our goals.

  7. as I remember what my grandma always used to say our nature is our first school as we get to learn so many things nice write up.

  8. I like this series of lessons from nature. Waves do teach us resilience.

  9. i find waves very relaxing. Its just nice to sit on th beach with a book and do nothing. Its so calming, even the sound of the waves.

  10. I can keep on looking at the to and fro of waves throughout an entire day. It is so peaceful.

  11. Somehow waves always make my mind calm. Whenever I am disturbed just a round at the beach would make my innerr turmoil calm down

  12. Waves teach us a lot as how to manage and stay calm. It is also a good example to stay strong during difficulties.

  13. Loved your perception about the waves! Agreed, waves teach us to be consistent.


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