
Saturday 14 January 2023

Book Review No Shadow Without Light by Luke Gracias

With time, a person evolves, and with time nature changes. No Shadow Without Light by Luke Gracias is a fiction book that is a sequel to 'The Devil's Prayer.' The book deals with a subject relatable to everyone who loves nature and wishes for a sustainable life. Let us look at the gripping fiction story that takes you worldwide.

Book Cover: 

The plain black cover with a cross and devil sign merged keeps it clear that the story revolves around God & the Devil. A pinch of light sparkling at the cross justifies the book's title.

Story Plot: 

The story is set from the year 2014 to the year 2021 when Siobhan is on the hunt to find the reason for her mother's death. Her sister Jess and grandmother Edith are not involved at the start of the hunt, but later on, they are also roped in by the circumstances. Siobhan has to find 12 pages to save the world from falling into the devil's hand, and each step to each letter is filled with many difficulties. Inspector Luca Reginalli played a crucial role in the story walking hand in hand with Siobhan at each hunt for the Page. Can Siobhan gather all the pages of the letter, or does she stake her loved ones, for it is totally worth reading it?

What made the book captivating read:

The book is divided into four sections with 42 chapters, which makes it easy for readers to keep things sorted in mind.

The book is set around churches around the world locations from Australia to Egypt. The author has wonderfully described the locations with an explanation of churches and a cathedral, and each room is named related to the storyline.

The weeping pillar, the circle of hell, and the confession room are a few examples from the book that caught my attention while reading. The emotion attached to each one of them strikes a direct connection with a reader.

Page of polarity, Page of invisible money, Page of Pandemic, and Page of War are a few names of the pages that take the story forward. Did the Page of the Pandemic catch your attention? In the story was released by one of the book characters, and then the pandemic started.

The Page and its text are well presented in a different font to grab attention. Each Page will make you think over that perspective differently, and analyzing each aspect of the letter and decoding it in a natural setting makes you feel you are living the story in today's scenario.

The author's effort to bring awareness about the weakening environment through this book is remarkable.

Quote, that shined:

If you lost the ability to trust, then the people who betrayed you had won.

No shadow without light, No fiction without facts

The point that has No light for me:

In a fiction book, it becomes very tricky to deliver a message and to deliver it in a manner that does not become preachy. In the end chapter, the devil and Siobhan's dialogue was lengthy, and the message which was delivered in the story was again narrated in a single narrative, making it look too lengthy.

About the Author: Luke Gracias

 Luke Gracias is an Environmental Specialist who has been working part-time in the film industry since 2006. The Codex Gigas, or the Devil's Bible, is the largest medieval manuscript in the world. It currently resides in the National Library of Sweden. The Codex Gigas has twelve missing pages, which are rumored to contain an apocalyptic test known as the Devil's Prayer. An avid photographer, Luke traveled through Europe and his home country Australia documenting the 13th Century conspiracy between the Mongols who came to Europe in search of the Devil's Prayer and the Papal Inquisition.

Book Details:

Book Name: No Shadow without Light 

Author: Luke Gracias

Publisher: Write Place

Genre: Thriller Fiction

No. of pages: 367

My Rating: 3.5/5

This is the first book review of 2023; we will bring many more book recommendations to you.

Stay tuned!


  1. The very first thing I noticed is the book cover so connected with the title of the book, seems so much interesting book to grab. Thanks for sharing the review.

  2. Wow! this looks quite interesting to read specially how she will overcome difficulties and find the pages, sounds thrilling to read. Thanks for sharing, definitely going to buy

  3. It's the plot that is captivating and will definitely make it an interesting read. Let me try and get my hands on a copy.

  4. I mostly read fiction and I love thrillers. This seems like my kind of book. Will surely check it out in the coming months for sure.

  5. I read this book long back and will agree with you that this book offers something different to read. The book is truly captivating and more people should read it for the message it offers.

  6. Your review rings true. You didn't just praise it. Such candid reviews help readers decide which is great to spend their hard earned money on. The quote..lost the ability to trust is good.

  7. No Shadow Without Light surely has an interesting story line. The names of the chapters has piqued my interest. It gives you something to ponder on too. Thanks for recommending it, will check it out.

  8. Absolutely love the storyline here. I'm really intrigued to add this to my TBR after reading through your honest review of the book. Thanks for sharing this

  9. I have also read and reviewed this book. The storyline is interesting. Love your detailed review of the book.

  10. From the name I thought the book was about faith and the struggle to choose between God and the devil. The premise sounds intriguing and it seems to have a Dan Brown quality of transporting the reader a different place.

  11. Firstly the cover of the book is really nice. I love reading books of thus genre so and also your review had piqued my interest so I am going to add it to my TBR list.

  12. This is the kind of book I would like to get my hands on. There are multiple chapters to help the reader get used to.


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