
Wednesday 23 March 2022

Why I take deliberate Shallow path : Poetry on Life decision

Deliberately each step afar downbeat tie,

Tried hard, struggled to connect right.

You remained untouched, commotion in me;

Each sign unfolded, lost you with hope key.

My existence turned ghost with dire smile,

No reason to walk an unaccompanied mile.


Decisively I turned my talks shallow

For your heart now seem hollow.

I don't dig deep in your thoughts,

Your heart has empathy drought. 

I tryst my serene peace at all times,

Carry content soul with happy chime.

Tough life decisions fetch wiser opportunity,

Harmony heart sketches novel horizon in me. 

Shall swim shallow through distant phase,

Wearing affable in new hat I cross life maze.

There are times when you have to choose to turn away from people who don’t acknowledge your effort to build ties. It is peaceful to be on shallow path and skim through the time, ultimately life needs harmony with thoughts and decisions.

Have you turned shallow in any relationship, friend, colleague or distant relative?

What path do you choose if all your efforts to continue the tie are drowned?

@Sonal Mathur


  1. Those are not words that describe a person who has taken the shallow path , in fact when you read the poem, you get to know how hard that person has tried and felt going on pretending and trying. Well written !

  2. Such beautifully written post, yes there are times when people don't see your efforts and appreciate you. Keep writing !!

  3. The poem has a lot of depth. Paints the picture of the shallowness of nature. Sandy N Vyjay

  4. Such beautiful words and yes I have turned shallow in relationships and walked away because I have not been acknowledged or appreciated. And sometimes I think we need to do that even if it hurts.

  5. Wonderful lines. I have a personal experience and I can relate with these lines. My best friend was someone who was constantly demotivating me in certain things. It took me a while to realize this.

  6. This is what I call short and sweet. What a poignant post. It made my day.

  7. Its not turn away from people if that's not your personality. Sometimes, for our good and mental peace you need to take such decisions.

  8. Even I have done this before. You can try once, twice but if that fails and go to deaf ears, it is better to move on. What's important is our peace of mind.

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  10. It amazes me how you manage to pack in such a firm punch through each and every couplet of yours. Poetry is really your medium and use it very well.

  11. Yes you are true. Tough life decisions opens wider opportunities. Keep writing

  12. We all need peace and harmony in our life and those who are not contributing anything meaningful, it is better to stay away from them.

  13. Well said. I value my mental peace more than anything else and hence if I feel that there is a disconnect which is beyond repair, I prefer to stay away from them.

  14. It is very tough to walk away deliberately at times, but yes for one's mental health and to heal self, this is deemed important. Beautiful poem, as always.

  15. People who are not contributing anything in your life and might be an hinderance , should be kept away as life is too short to worry about them. well written poem.

  16. Yes, I have turned away from my husband to live a peaceful life. Because to me the mental health of me and my sons was more important that time. Keep writing dear.

  17. You're so right! Sometimes moving away from people is required for your peace of mind. I've travelled on shallow path so many times, skimming through the time, in harmony with my thoughts and decisions.


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