
Tuesday 18 January 2022

Young Blood By Chandrima Das : 10 College Horror Tales

Book reviews have been one of the most important segments of our blog, and giving our commitment towards it we bring to you all the first book reviews of the year 2022.

Reading varied genres has been our conscious effort to increase our reading horizon, so we bring to you horror book reviews.


Book & Book Cover :

Young Blood, Ten terrifying college tales by Chandrima Das is a book in the horror genre. Book Cover has a title in the center in bold blood-red color with benches in the backdrop. Background color being greyish green gives a perfect start to read the book.

 Story plot:

Book has 10 ten tales based on college days, and the haunted places are visited by college students besides all the horror stories related to the college or hostel are created by the author in each chapter. The bizarre story that does around college can be a true event in today’s life. Sometimes students take a leap of faith and start venturing the haunted sites on their own, and that is when the trouble starts. Does each hunt be adventurous and fun or do students remember these incidents as the dark patch of their life? The page-turner book holds you with most of the stories.

Paranormal effect: 

The storyline has the paranormal activities mentioned with a smooth flow that makes the story spooky and takes you to the edge where a reader has to decide what is real and what is not.

Social message: 

Each story has an underline message for readers that reflects on age-old issues like inequality of the races, restrictions on women, or human values like truth and loyalty with uncanny storylines. 

Chapter title & Year

Each chapter title is written with a systematic approach and connects with the story thoroughly. The year mentioned along with the title gives you a background of the time, technology, and the vocabulary & slang used by the characters.

Fear factor

If you are faint-hearted and want to start your reading experience in horror stories, then you can start with this book. As I did not fear for my life after reading the book or hesitated to enter the darkroom alone. 

Final word:

If you are starting with the horror genre then this is a perfect book for you as short stories are easy to grasp, understand and you can read one story at a time. Author Chandrima Das has done put her noble effort into the book by collating all the resources about the colleges and places and giving it a real feel with all real places and college names. Ghost of chance & Good girls & Bad Girls are two stories that will stay with me for a longer time. The author excelled in narrating the stories in a believable manner that makes a reader keep all logic beside and start walking towards the belief of the ghostly world. 4/5


About the author:

Chandrima Das has a B.Tech in Computer Science from NIT Durgapur and an MBA from IIM Calcutta. After a decade-long career in management consulting, she followed her passion for writing. Her digital debut The Talking Dead was a bestseller in the horror category. She's performed live at storytelling events with Tall Tales and Kommune and was published in The Best Of Tall Tales.

Book Details:

Book: Young Blood, Ten terrifying college tales

Author: Chandrima Das

Format: 319, Paperback

Availability: Amazon & all leading online platforms

Publishers: HarperCollins

Price: INR 299


Thank you Blogchatter for sending across the review copy for an exchange of the honest review. 

If you are interested in reading short book reviews then you can check our Instagram page @auraofthoughts where we post book reviews. 


  1. I am hearing a lot about this book all across the web. seems like a great book for those who love horror genera. I did not like horror genera much, so would like to give this a pass. but loved your honest review. it was as usual precise.

  2. These storis would be perfect to tell during a night out, no?

  3. I love horror stories and it has 10 stories . I am so keen to read this interesting book very soon.

  4. I have been reading some rave reviews about this book. Horror is not my genre but the books plot seems interesting and short stories are always a good way to begin.

  5. From the author Bio I noticed one thing in common with me ... Durgapur. I like short story collection and this book is surely for me. Will read it.

  6. this would make an interesting read for those who like the horror genre. sHALL RECOMMEND it to my friend, she loves such stories.

  7. Oh my, the book name is so scary . I am not much fan of horror stories . But this nook seems perfect to read .

  8. This www my first read for this year too. Though horror was not my genre I decided to give this book a try and the author succeeded in making it a worthy read.


  9. You have another in-depth review. Short stories are ideal for those who are just starting out with reading. I think it's because of a pandemic that I don't enjoy reading horror stories these days. So, I'll give it a pass, but I'll tell my horror-reading friends about it.

  10. This is a must read. I have read it and reviewed it too. Loved it. It made me nostalgic as these stories remind me of my hostel days where every night we used to have this scary story telling sessions sime used to be real and some were made up.

  11. Not a fan of anything scary may it be books or movies. I'm sorry but I chickened out simply by reading the story plot. Well, that only means 2're a great writer who can really convey those emotions from their readers, and I'm just not that person who loves scary things that mess up my thoughts.haha..Great article!

  12. Lots of amazing reviews I am reading about this book by various book bloggers. But sadly horror is not my genre.

  13. This is the third raving review I am reading of this book and I cant tell you how much i wish to read it at the earliest possible now :)

  14. Your review is compelling me to take up this book. This is such an interesting plot.

  15. I've read this book too and loved it. The author's narrative style and timely punches make it an interesting read.

  16. Though i don't like to read horror genre but would make an interesting read for those who like the horror genre. Recommending to my friends

  17. I really love to see horror movies with my hubby but never read any horror story book. After reading your post I think I'll give it a try.

  18. Nice Review, have read some reviews looks like many suggesting this book. Thanks will read this book definitely.


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