
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Winners #Contest4 - #AuraOfPositivity

The last contest of a word prompt ‘Tear” saw many entries with variation from emotion to prosperity perspective. 
AuraOfThoughts - MeenalSonal

The best entry that was filled with ‘TEAR” with positivity  is of Geethica Mehra; and here is what she said " Tear the paper that has negative thoughts written on it." Isn't it we all want in our lives too.

And the entry that told us a mindful description of Tear is by Deepika Bhatia is " 

Tears have no identity. They are same when you are happy or sad. Tears are the one with whom you can show your love and emotions towards others." What a beautiful explanation of word tear. 

The entry that essayed the journey of word Tear is by Kokila Gupta which was submitted by Ravish Mani is Haiku on Tear

round cascading pearls
liberate calm heal the soul
fervent hot springs gush 

Congratulations to all the winners, we are so happy that your messages were truly positive and you all are positivity ambassadors.

All the winners please ping your email address at the address mentioned below

Prizes will be on the way.

This is the last post for #BlogchatterProjects, it was great to host all the contests to celebrate the 4th anniversary of our blog this month and going across all the platform with the theme #AuraOfpositivity to spread the good and positive vibes. 
Yes friends with our perspective even a so called negative words can also have positive meanings.

So lets have the positive spirit in future too. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank-you Ravish for this entry of the haiku and a sweet thanks to both of you girls for liking it! I am glad to be here and liked the perspectives of Geethica and Deepika to be wonderful!


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