
Sunday 19 November 2017

Am I Perfect?

I work hard day night
Manage tasks as a knight
Gather my strength to fight
With all odds for future bright

I am perfect from tip to toe
My mirror is clear without any dew
Everything from here is accurate like an icing on the cake
No flaw to appear in any of the take

But when my heart looks out of window
I see many staring with questions in meadow
I am startled to stand without any clue
I then walk to them to get their insights & views

Analyzed observed their perspectives
Respecting their thoughts was my motive
Stood for sometime with this objective
Realized I am not perfect in collective

Imperfect unexplored side seen from other end
It took me out from quagmire & belief with bend
Bit of improvement, seemed feasible in new trend
Like cherry on icing cake makes a worthy blend.

Sharing this post with Indispire #196 -#ThePerfectMe, Mindlove Menagerie-Sunday Writing Prompt - Collage#37This post is a also part of Write Over the Weekend, Look outside Window an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda



  1. Lovely response, that questioning the unknown murky side to ourselves is often very challenging...

    1. Yes Michael, we often forget to see other side of the coin until we turn things. So lets all see perspectives from other end too.

  2. A nice poem on the prompt, MeenalSonal.. Truly conveyed a good message on the imperfect part of human beings!

    1. Thanks a lot Sir, it means a lot coming from you.

  3. I love the progression of the piece and have such a clear image of my own daughter. When she was about 3 she would look in the mirror with this expression that read "I am fabulous" it didn't matter what she was wearing or if she'd brushed her hair she was fabulous. Now at 10 she thinks more about the opinions of others and how she looks before going out and she has inner voices in her head with conflicting messages. Some voices push you towards growth, some towards destruction, some seek a certainty and security that is ultimately unattainable.


    1. Yes Amber, it's upon us to whom to listen and to whom we want to turn deaf. I would suggest listen to constructive pointers.

  4. Imperfections are equally important but we often don't want to see that side. We are so used to of seeing the plus points of perfection that little bit of the imperfection upsets us.

    1. Yes Alpana, imperfections disappoints us and we try to run away from them. But encountering with flaws will make us better person.

  5. Great poem encountering the darker side of ourselves... and see every part of ourselves not just the good ones

  6. That's truly a nice poem to let us realize the imperfect part in a beautiful way :-)

    1. Thanks Priyal, yes if realization comes in a subtle way then change is surely to happen.

  7. Imperfections completes u. They give us a scope for improvements. I feel, life would be so boring if everything is perfect!

  8. striving for perfection is a basic human nature and sometime this tendency take away routine joys of life. I loved the way you have expressed this emotion with this poem. you are so good with poetry art.

  9. Like cherry on icing cake makes a worthy blend... wow! what a stupendous read it was! beautifully expressed that even imperfections are okay and should be accepted with grace.

  10. Lovely poem. We all are imperfect. Only when we realise it and accept it, is when we truly are happy gets a little easier then.

  11. We have been living in this bubble of perfection for a long while. But happiness os finding perfection in imperfection. Beautifullly written

  12. You have presented the most important philosophy of life in simple yet powerful words. Why run behind perfection. Lovely thought

  13. Looking at the other side or imperfections are equally important in life but we often don't do . Very nicely explained on this prompt.

  14. This is such a cute poem, imperfection makes us who we are, its okay to be imperfect at times right? Acceptance is the key to peace.

  15. I was quite impressed with this particular piece of prose. Our mind is our worst enemy ! Loving the person in the mirror is important however imperfect!


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