
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Heartprint from Soul

"People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to do About it, This one seems an interesting pick", Samaya murmured while taking her seat in the library next to the girl in black hoodie and started a conversation.

“Hey you seem to be a book lover I always see you here?” Samaya queried in enthusiastic tone.
To which she replied, “I want to read all of them; my passion for books is very old and not going to dither anytime soon”, and she chuckled with a smile.

"What is the hurry, enjoy each read peacefully. Are you going somewhere?” questioned Samaya.

"Hah! Even I thought so “ she answered and took a seat in the corner.

Samaya whispered to herself “she seems to be quite serious in reading” and started flipping the pages of her new book.

The next day Samaya was shocked to see the portrait of ‘girl in black hoodie’ on Remembrance Day.                          

"Her passion is still alive", Samaya said while she lit the candle, "you truly left a heartprint".

I am participating in Write Tribe October Problogger challenge & Sunday Writing Prompt#226- What's in the name?



  1. very cool. I'd haunt a bookstore too .... hmmm maybe in the future I'd have to haunt a kindle? it would not be the same!

    cool Halloween story!

    1. Haha! Booklovers will find their way be it anyway :)


  2. I love what you guys are up too. This sort of clever work and coverage!
    Keep up the fantastic works guys I've included you guys to blogroll.

  3. scary heart-print. but nice one.

  4. Interesting little story here, and definitely a very inventive and creative use of the book title you've chosen :)

    thanks for playing along with this week's Sunday Writing prompt :)

    1. Thanks Pat. Must say the list of weird story titles were too weird to pick one for the prompt.

      It was wonderful participating in Sunday Writing Prompt.

  5. Captivating tale with a great twist! You held the secret hooded till end! So very engaging story!

    1. Thanks Anagha. Halloween day made our job easy ;)

  6. Aha! That's one hell of a book lover. I think, my soul might do just the same!! Loved your novel take on the prompt, Meenal!!

    1. I guess we all were be meeting in other zone too discussing our thoughts or maybe writing in air :). Oh! God Shilpa my thoughts have started wandering in that zone :))

  7. Spooky and sad, both. Wonderfully written , and apt for Halloween!
    Very nice, Meenal!

  8. I was a bit lost at the end, till I found the last two lines in fine print. I suggest you increase the font size a bit.

    1. Thanks Neha for pointing out. The lines were not made fine print, guess some font size issue, but fixed it after your suggestion.

  9. This is such a good piece! I was taken a back when read the last lines. Fine work

  10. Very brilliant piece of writing. hooked till the end..


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