
Thursday 20 April 2017

Overcoming FOMO : Quest for Connectivity

“Oh! a signal drop , I lost good connection again, this is a usual phrase we face in every network. We need a medium to stay connected always.

In this digital world if you don’t possess any communication device then you are rare of a kind.  All people in the world are connected through this Internet and thanks to the smartphones, now we are connected 24*7, no need to switch on the computers or any other communication device.
What is the urge that takes us towards connectivity?
Do we really want to be always connected?
Or do we don’t want to miss any piece of information?
Do we fear being in solace?    

To ponder on these thoughts it is obvious that humans are social animals and we need to stay connected. On the other hand we like stuff that connects to our hearts may be a gif image of giggle or a silly push by friend, it is loved and shared by all. Did you ever think why we all simultaneously share touching messages about togetherness, family, and friends, parenting in social media? Because the one thing common in all is “the connect “ it makes to heart.
“We like to stay where our heart connects.” It can be said that the goodwill factor keeps our signal strength very high keeping our upload and download speed in seconds.
So is there a need of an Internet at all?  Not really! It can be connected without seeking help of these and you will wonder that there are no signal drops or any other fuss. 
But if you want to be connected by world around, give time to your self and connect with self. Know your self better, dive into your emotional state and do not depend entirely on the icon list of social media .Within ourselves lies world's best emoji's which keeps popping up when we want it. 

“There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.” - James Thurber

This beautiful quote says it all, let the connectivity be like a light and not like a glare. A perfect lighting system illuminates a place gives it a soothing touch likewise a connection which balances our own self with our inner soul always
illuminates the whole world around. 
 It is hight time we reconsider the facets of social media, our blogger friend Alpana Deo shares her thoughts about the same in topic Social Media: It is high time Decide & Deal


  1. Really interesting post with some very thought provoking words. Something a lot of us need to consider I think.
    Highlands Days of Fun

    1. Yes Pamela, a true connection is always required.

  2. Food for thought,Meenal. I think the advent of wifi has made us lose connections that matter and keep irrelevant ones closer :)


  3. Interesting words, Meenal. I think the internet and phone connectivity is now more of an addiction than a need for connectivity alone. A lot of our work is online. If we aren't active on social media as bloggers no one finds us. I don't think the internet fulfils our need for general connectivity in any way.

    Celebrating 'Women & their work' all April @NamySaysSo Queen of Tennis, Serena Williams, wins grand slam while pregnant!

    1. True Namy internet has made our world too short ,with it we are in touch but the feelings are somewhere hidden.

  4. Friends and family are better in person, but sometimes, they live far away, and we can only connect digitally.

    1. We always have a special place for our dear ones in our own heart!....of course digitization have lot of pros too.

  5. Agree..connecting us really important. Smart phones and Internet is really helping people connect. Good one.

    1. Connecting to oneself is very important....Keep visiting!

  6. Interesting thought provoking post. I also believe that when connecting with the world, we should make sure we don't lose connection with ourselves.

    1. We are sailing on the same boat...thank you for visiting!

  7. It was interesting to know why we crave for conductivity. How FOMO comes to light.

    1. Yes Upasana we can only feel connected when our heart signals a yes..

  8. I absolutely loved the quote you shared. Internet could be used in the same analogy. Wonderfully written

    1. The quote is my favorite...thank you for your kind words!

  9. That's the sad reality of our times... sure we connected at all times but it all at the cost of our peace of mind!


    1. Hope we overcome this Geetika...Keep visiting!

  10. Hi Meenal, my thoughts are same as yours. The best connectivity we can ever have is that with our soul. When we are well connected with our own self then there is no need of social media.

  11. I really enjoyed reading this, it is incredibly thought provoking. I took from it that you can use the connectivity of the internet to illuminate but too much is a glare that obscures the basic need of one human to another. You can connect to a friend or forget that there is someone with feelings on the other side of the screen. Thank you so much. Lyssa M x

  12. Let the connectivity be the light and not the glare! Beautiful. Loved your thoughts on the topic of social media and its role in our lives.

  13. Hi M&S.When I read the headline of this post, it felt so personal. As a quieter and a lover of isolation, I always felt interacting with my friends over SM is like the only way to keep the connection. But I was wrong and now, I have realized it's actual use. Loved every bit of it.

  14. Loved the post dear and you echo with my thoughts. Indeed nowdays our lives had been highly dependent on social media activities and that is for sure not a good sign. Thanks a lot for reminding us most important thing that if we want to get connected with world, we first need to get connected with ourselves.

  15. I too believe that connect is what drives the crazy social media traffic and the fomo. I can't imagine a single hour without checking my phone and any new notification

  16. First I had to Google FOMO. Then I realized both my kids have it. That's why they never sleep coz they feel they will miss out on something in general I guess.

  17. I feel this extra connectivity has taken love and care people around the person. Even my hubby do not care to talk with me , instead he is more on social media.

  18. Very insightful, I believe most of the actions of many people are because of this FOMO only. And I really loved that phrase that be like a light and not a glare..teaches a lot

  19. A very thought-provoking post. Though many people have written about the pros and cons of this desperation to stay connected, I really like the way you have analysed it.

  20. Very well written. Instead of being addictive to the internet to keep connected, connecting within.the self is much needed and much more important.

  21. So true. We need to first connect with ourselves, technology connections are secondary.

    - Ujjwal Mishra MywordsMywisdom

  22. What an amazing post with a lot of food for thought. Really well written and I love the point on connecting with yourself. Loved this post


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