
Tuesday 22 March 2016

#Holi in True Spirit : Painted Heart

Painted my hand in crimson,
to extend the message of love and concern.

Every vacant eyes rose,
to sparkle with colors of bright gold.

Abrupt speech drowned in yellow,
to chant the heroic hymns in mellow.

Tinted my path in color blue,
to commence in direction of dreams and not hue.         

Drenched in splash of green and pink,
every solution uncovered with a click.

When every painted hand joined together,
it painted each heart with smiles forever.

Happy Holi !!!

Sharing with ABC Wednesday letter #P, where in this post P stands for Painted.



  1. ya gotta have heart, as they sang in Damn Yankees.


  2. Beautiful. Hold is a festival of creating memories, forgetting hard feelings and starting a new chapter inner friendship. Sometimes, it gives a reason to re-bond with and old friend. Happy Holidays in advance!

  3. Such a simple poem with the essence of Holi. You have weaved the words so well. Loved these lines "
    When every painted hand joined together,
    it painted each heart with smiles forever"

  4. Such beautiful lines for upcoming holi festival. indeed colors are powerful and each one has its unique effect on our life. holi is one of my favorite festival and here is USA, I miss my family a lot on this day. wishing you and your family a happy holi.

  5. What a colourful poem my dears, brought the spirit of Holi forth so beautifully. Wish you both a v happy HOli.

  6. I have no words for this piece.seriously i am in awe with this piece. HAPPY HOLI in advance.. wonderful selection of words to convey the message.

  7. My favorite festival of the year is here and super excited for this, thanks for sharing such beautiful poem!!

  8. Love ghe play of words here. And this is shared just right before ghe festival of colours making it even more special

  9. 'every solution uncovered with a click' - a very unique perpective in corelation with the associated colours. Very well written.


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