
Thursday 4 June 2015

Unsaid Promises from Childhood: Revisited on Rakshbandhan

You will come across companion of life in many relationships, a life mate, a friend, but the bond with siblings is matchless. If the number of years calculated in every relation, you will get the answer itself. 'Sibling is first and forever friend; moreover' Betsy Cohen beautifully quoted. Though one may tease his/her sibling at home with other family members, but if some outsider dares to make fun of your brother/sister you immediately start defending them. Protecting each other is kind of making the bond stronger.


rakhi message - Aura Of Thoughts

Actually it’s nature way to present to you a slightly or very different version in form of sibling with whom we grow and learn a lot. "Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other."–Anonymous. Whatever may be the situations, you can always say it to your sister or brother; they will understand you without being judgmental. And there are many unsaid words and unsaid promises that are made right from childhood. Elder brothers and sisters are an inspiration and guide to the younger ones; where the younger ones keeps a child alive in elder one. 

Initially you start to learn, to share your toys in childhood, and then unknowingly everything in life. "My siblings are my best friends." Siblings know dreams, virtues, and faults of each other; and with that they walk miles and miles in life together. Maybe due to career or studies or marriage you are parted with your sibling, but you remain always connected to them by heart; and this of course calls for celebration.


Celebrating the bond of siblings is special event, and such an occasion is rejoiced as a festival in India, known as Rakshabandhan, where Raksha means protection and bandhan is bond, promise of care and protection bond for lifelong with a delicate string of thread known as “Rakhi”. In this festival traditionally sisters tie a Rakhi to brothers and exchange gifts; but now a day’s sister also tie Rakhi to each other. 

Every festival has its own values and rituals, it brings feelings of oneness, it deepens the bond and is a kind of rejuvenation for the entire family. Name could differ but such festival is celebrated world over, for example to mark the relationship of siblings, every year April 10 is celebrated as sibling’s day in US. "A sibling may be the keeper of one's identity, the only person with the keys to one's unfettered, more fundamental self."- Marian Sandmaier


unsaid promises childhood - Aura Of Thoughts

Let’s celebrate Rakshabandhan and make our brothers & sisters feel special by giving a unforgetful gifts and of course teasing them in a different way too : )))




  1. Siblings are your longest-lasting relationship, in all likelihood.
    (BTW, the Link wasn't working w ABCW - I have replaced)


  2. Such an apt post on this auspicious occasion. Siblings are always there for each other. And Rakshabhandh is a mark of love so let's celebrate it with lotsa of love and happiness.

  3. Sibling love is special. The bond that they share is magical. And with she it gets stronger. I have an elder sister and she is my best friend, mentor.

  4. Beautiful post and perfect for upcoming festival time. Indeed sibling bond is most beautiful bond and having a sibling to share things in most amazing feeling in the world.

  5. Yeah during this lockdown, I think the bonds and necessity of having a sibling has come forward. Unless really busy with things, older kids without a sibling are having quite a tough time....

  6. I can so relate buddy there is no single day when I don't speak to my brother and this has only increased during the lockdown. Will be celebrating Diwali online with him

  7. Sibling love is always special, we are more than siblings, friends ,supporter. This post remind me of my sibling love.

  8. This special bond between siblings is really unbeatable! Though rakhi is just a day to celebrate it, the bond deserves to be celebrated everyday!

  9. This post is really beautiful on Raksha Bandhan I can relate as I have sibling celebrating festival together Virtually this year

  10. Such a sweet post, made me revisit my childhood. I don't have siblings but my childhood was memorable with 10 kids in the big joint family. Those were such amazing days!

  11. Yes, siblings are the blessings. I love my younger brother so much and he is the biggest gift of my life. He always supports me whenever I needed it. Happy Raksha Bandhan Bhai.

  12. This Diwali is so weird forbme . I am far away from my brothers and they can't reach me nor i can . Your post make me nostalgic..

  13. Yes totally relate to it... lockdown has bring us back to our relations...more close to our siblings as we were so much busy that we almost forgot to talk also

  14. The bond between siblings is special and one of the best in the world. Despite being away, we all come together at one place during festivals

  15. I feel like friendship is one such ship that stays afloat if the expectations are in place. If the ship has been onboarded by people who like each other despite all the shortcomings. Thank you for this blog x


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