
Monday 5 May 2014

Why My Mother is My World

Oh! mother how much you care, by my side always there;
Your heart beats for me, wherever I may be;
Ma! I call when in pain; your presence relieves same;
You taught me to step out, with utmost courage and proud;
Unspoken words you understand, and prepare me to withstand;
I wish to be like you, you are my life and my world.

The above lines are straight from my heart for my mother who is my world, and it also essays how a mother’s life is always centered towards child; in last post “Mother – Our Lifeline” too we have seen how mother showers all love on her child. In this post we shall see that how a mother is a child’s Center of attraction. Keith L Brooks beautifully quoted “A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "Where mother is." 

Usually, a child observes his/her mother very keenly and learns a lot of things like good values, respect, sharing and even language too, on a lighter note maybe that’s why we call it as’ mother tongue’.Child shows utmost love and care to mother and calls her with many beautiful and loving names such as “Mamma, Ma, Amma, Mom, Mommy, Ammi, Aai.  Whatever be the calling name the emotion and love hidden in it is same. For a child, mother is center of life & world and the rest of things revolve around her. It is very well quoted thatMother, the ribbons of your love are woven around my heart“.

The emotion between mother & child is so strong and is nurtured right from the time when child feels its first senses. Even a toddler, who is just gaining knowledge day by day, feels reassured to see mother around when restless. Her presence boosts our confidence and we feel protected, and motivated under her guidance. Right from birth child knows how to express to mother and amazingly mother too understands the variations in cry. Kid’s love towards mother is blind and has complete faith. If mother shows complete commitment in raising the child, even you see a complete submissive nature of child towards mother.

Mother is World - MeenalSonal

In early childhood one may have expressed love and affection to mother many times, but as time passes grownup expresses less. We start losing our innocence of childhood and forget ways to express ourselves more often. As we grow up we get busy and get less time to spend with our mom, and forget that what we are today is because of many sacrifices which a mother has to make towards making us a good person. “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” -Abraham Lincoln.

This endless valuable love and care is sometimes only understood when we step into her shoes that is the only time we really understand the importance of a mother in our life. We should be proud of what we are today and hug our mothers with a pure heart and thank her for what she has done for us .I believe this one gesture will make your mother feel on top of the world. My mother is my world and I thank god that he is with us in the form of my mom. So on the upcoming Mothers Day which falls on 14th May 2014 let yourselves free and conveys utmost love to your lovable and adorable mothers.

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends — but only one mother in the whole world”. - Kate Douglas Wiggin


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