
Saturday 24 September 2022

5 Life Virtues Board Games Teach Children Easily

Games always remain the most accessible means to learn anything that remains deep-rooted throughout our lives. Games are for all; every child has the right to play, and it also benefits them indoors, outdoors, or online. "Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning," Mr. Rogers brilliantly put across the point to prove the importance of playing in a child's life. 

Why Games are important

Games are the best way to refresh one's mind 

It is the most exciting way to spend a quality fun time. 

It opens the door to imagination

It helps nurture the creative side

It builds a strong foundation

It teaches us important life lessons.

board games in child brain development - auraofthoughts

Thursday 8 September 2022

Book Review - Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo

Self-help books are my favorite genre as I genuinely believe learning is a lifelong process, and one can learn at any point in life. With a keen interest in these books, I am sharing my honest review of the much-talked book "Do Epic Shit" by Ankur Warikoo.

Book Review - Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo

Book Title & Book Cover:

The book cover is as plain as it can be, yet the simplistic approach with the font and color makes the book peep out through bookshelves when you want to look out for it. The book will grab your attention with bold fonts and a yellow cover. The book title may sound a little weird, but Ankur Warikoo hits the bull's eye by writing a title in slang that today's youth understand and follow.

Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo is a self-help book for the youth