
Saturday 6 July 2019

Book Review : Neverfound Land by Durriya Kapasi

Today, we bring to you one more book review; yes we know it has been raining book reviews from past months but we cannot keep the learning’s and lessons learnt from the book to ourselves. Books are key ingredient of our life as our life revolves around experiences and we bring to know our book experiences to you all.

Let us look at the sequel of  “Once Upon a Time Genie” by Duriyya Kapasi titled as “Neverfound Land”. You can have look at Once Upon A Time Genie review here.

Book Title & Cover: Neverfound Land by Durriya Kapasi

The cover of the book is quite different from the prequel as you see no characters here, but two swords in a cross manner, that indicates that entry is not for everyone. This symbol goes well with the title too. Lets see what inside the book.

About the Author: 
Durriya Kapasi is a Creative Writing Teacher, a foodie and a traveller. She is a cancer survivor and now she also supports and motivates cancer patients. Born in India and now she is best selling author with debut novel. Half Baked Beans have said it on social media that this series has bagged a screen adaptation rights. I can now truly see what I imagined the Neverfound Land by reading the books.

The Magical Plot:

The story is about Solomon, who is a hybrid of Genie and human; his worries start, as he is unaware of his powers and how slowly he recognizes them. The need of an hour makes him to know about his birth and his existence. Solomon who is braving the consequences alone finds hope in his Uncle Azeez, kind doctor Sheik Ibrahim who is treating Solomon’s mother Daisy.

Solomon discovers his truth when he is on holiday trip to Cairo with his friends but rushes to home leaving trip in midway as he gets kidnapped and that is when he realizes his powers.

He comes home to find that, Genie enemies Rasmasa’s are kidnapping his father Darren and his mother is ill. How he gathers strength and goes to Neverfound Land and meets his real father Genie and understands the reason for all the current sequences. How he manage to work with his powers and how he leads the team for the war against enemies to protect the humanity is enthralling read.

What I love in this book:

Anyone can read this book without worrying about the prequel of the book as author has very well described the previous Once Upon A time genie story in such a crisp way but still describing all events in the epilogue of the book.

Both the books are independent where readers can enjoy both the books solely too. But I am sure whoever reads one of the book will surely pick the other.

Author Durriya Kapasi mesmerized readers with her words that though you read the book from your living room you feel you have entered the Neverfound Land.

What to look into this book:

·      Beautiful description of the Genie land once again but with Solomon’s point of view
·      Each character crosses the dilemma bridge to protect his family from unseen enemies is inventively present in the book.
·      Emotions are artistically captured and well essayed by the author.

Final Word: 
Go grab this book to enter the fantasy land and see how Genie, human and Solomon takes over to save the humanity with the twists and unwrap the tale with exotically well described narration by author. This book is for people who has high imagination skills and believe in fantasies.

Book Details:

Book Title : Neverfound Land
Author: Durriya Kapasi
Pages: 169
Genre: Fantasy fiction
Availability: Paperback & Kindle
Publisher: Half Baked Beans 

This book review is a part of my Write Tribe ReadingChallenge 2019 where 12 book are to be reviewed in one month of a year. I have picked the prompt number 23 - Book bought because of its beautiful cover. This review is of month May, you can find all reviews in the linky here



  1. This looks like such an interesting book! I am sure I would enjoy it thoroughly. Good review!
    Noor Anand Chawla

  2. Really loved the creative cover. Guess the book will be a great read from cover to cover.

  3. Although I'm not too much into books, this one seems like a must have. Will definitely order and read it.

  4. Looks like a thrilling fantasy and I would definitely visit this Fantasyland as my next read.

    1. The author's description is amazing it takes us to the fantasy land.

  5. THis book arouse my interest, so creative and new storyline genie,hidden power

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes Gurjeet this book will not disappoint you.

  6. I love reading fantasy books and watching fairy and genie movies! This book seems perfect for me! Will read!

  7. Wow, the book sounds so interesting.

    I would love to read about this genie.

  8. It's long that I got a good book to read.. This seems to be of my interest.. Will surely read

    1. Yes this book can be enjoyed by person who loves romance, thriller and fantasy fiction.

  9. It was amazing to read this article.

  10. Manisha - I love fantasy books so I have read this one and loved it totally. I feel like a re-read now after reading your post.

  11. This book really looks interesting. I really love such stories. Thanks for sharing the honest review about the book. Soon I am going to order this book

  12. Wow! What a wonderful post about book review.
    I love fantasy so will read this book and enjoy.

  13. This seems like an interesting book. I will definitely read. I think my daughter can also read this book.

  14. 12 books in a month! Wow that's amazing. Looks like I'm doing 1 book in 12 months 🙈... I have to get better.

  15. I'm a huge fan of fiction, and something that involves fantasy totally wins my attention. This looks like the perfect read.

  16. I love magical, fantasy novels! This book looks cool! I will buy this for myself!

  17. I choose books in a very refined way for me as not just any book can intrigue me, but reading the review I just might get this one.

  18. I am not an active book reader but through your blogs I get to know so much about so many books. It's a great read indeed.

  19. This is like a fantasy book and I am so obsessed with fantasy book. I will love to give it a read.

  20. Sounds interesting book.will definetly read this books.. And one of the best thigs is 12 books in a month.

  21. Reading the review itself arose interest in me to read it further and explore the nuances of the tale.


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