
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Book Review: Life in the Sunshine by T.Sathish

Today the book review is of “Life in The Sunshine” novel debut by T.Sathish for all the cricket lovers and the friendships that bonded in the cricket matches.

Book Title:
Life In The Sunshine - Autobiography Of An Unknown Cricketer

Book Cover:
The book cover gels very well with the title track, which is about the Cricket favorite sport of most Indians. A young lad playing cricket by the beach is very beautiful and tempted to kick start the book.

Life in Sunshine Book Review - AuraOfThoughts

About The Author: T Sathish is an IIM Calcutta alumnus and works in Cognizant Technology Solutions. He is an avid sports fan and a writer. He also writes columns in the cricket section of and has published a short story named "Hang In There" on Juggernaut's publishing digital writing platform.

Friday 19 July 2019

Monsoon Ghost - #ShortStory

Lavanya, once again turned to see her house to gather the warmth so that she doesn’t miss it much. Her brother Atul who was watching her over-sensitive sister diverted her mind, “you can always see the house in the video chat; don’t be sentimental let's get into the car before you get late”.

Lavanya sighed, picked her backpack while her father arranged her luggage in the car and her mother shuffled keys to lock the multiple locks of the door while trying to control tears.

Lavanya was already missing every one even before stepping into the land of Monsoons for her post graduation, yes this is what she called Pune, which was best described to her by her cousins and seniors. 

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Why I give Screen Time to my Kids

Technologies have evolved and surely the way we are living has changed too. Nobody can dent that each person has a cell phone now a days and few other gadgets for many other things. Every gadget has its pros and cons but people taking pros together from the technology can survive a balanced life without getting affected from it.

The impact of the digital world is surely unavoidable and each one of us is also a part of the same world but a little sensible and qualitative approach of our screen time is no harm at all.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Book Review : Neverfound Land by Durriya Kapasi

Today, we bring to you one more book review; yes we know it has been raining book reviews from past months but we cannot keep the learning’s and lessons learnt from the book to ourselves. Books are key ingredient of our life as our life revolves around experiences and we bring to know our book experiences to you all.

Let us look at the sequel of  “Once Upon a Time Genie” by Duriyya Kapasi titled as “Neverfound Land”. You can have look at Once Upon A Time Genie review here.

Book Title & Cover: Neverfound Land by Durriya Kapasi

The cover of the book is quite different from the prequel as you see no characters here, but two swords in a cross manner, that indicates that entry is not for everyone. This symbol goes well with the title too. Lets see what inside the book.