
Sunday 14 May 2017

Nutritious Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the caring, loving Mothers.

On this mother’s day, let’s us emphasis on the love the mother showers on her child in form of food she serves. A mother from day one of her motherhood takes an extra effort to ensure that her baby is receiving healthy food. And healthy food terminology changes with each mother as sometimes in utmost love mothers overlook the minute details of meal served. In India, mothers generally focus on the physical growth of a child and not the overall brain development and immunity levels. The diet normally followed in Indian households is rich in macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats and proteins, supporting only physical growth but lack in micro nutrients, which is necessary for overall mental and brain development.

Gaps in daily nutrition with nutritional quality lead to nutrient deficiencies to set in at an early age. Hence, you may not be aware of your child’s nutritional deficiency even if he/she looks physically fit. Micro nutrients like Iron, Calcium, Vitamins, and Minerals play an important role in building a baby's immunity against major infections. The consequences of micronutrient deficiency among infants are far reaching and include greater morbidity due to diarrheal and viral infections, measles, reduced vaccine responses, impaired growth, and development. Doctors in India say that there is a huge gap in the knowledge about the role of micronutrients in building immunity.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Reflections : #AtoZChallenge

The month that has maximum number of posts on our blog was April 2017, and reason is clear AtoZChallenge. Yes 26 posts in a month, what a taxing days. We decide to participate in this challenge in March but were quite confused with the theme. Only in march last week we came up with a theme ‘Relationship’ and then scheduled 3 posts, rest of the posts was spontaneous with the letters.

We didn’t stick to poetry, short stories or a post, as it would be more constraint to us. So wrote in every form to express various views on relationship theme. The post which was acknowledged by fellow bloggers is Quest for Connectivity and most viewed is Justifications.

It was crazy month which we loved to fullest as we connected with some excellent writers through this challenge. It’s always good to read others perspective on that particular letter.
One needs motivation for such challenge to be completed, and Blogchatter played a great role for us. Each day was supportive by them and to participate in the ebook carnival at the end hosted by them made us more consistent with our posts. Soon we are publishing are ebook named “Tangled Relationships yet Sweet", details shall be shared shortly.
We are so happy to flaunt our AtoZChallenge survivor badge. Read our all posts here

We earned it!

Now it’s time to share our learning’s from AtoZChallenge in reflections post
  • Schedule your posts for at least a week to get a breather in between.
  • Publish post early in a day and rest of the day can be used to commenting, promoting and connecting on social platforms
  • Stick to theme for better results or else you may end up writing on subjects which are not close to your heart.
  • Read random blogs and connect more rather than reading a single blog each day, though you can stick to your favorite reading list :)
